StatMando Monday

From Monday 2025-01-27 to Sunday 2025-02-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2025-01-27
(click to change weeks)
(6,246 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2025-02-04 12:30 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 83 941 1,881 $37,645 107,348 960
FPO 29 89 208 $5,093 14,111 866
MP40 50 343 646 $11,953 38,679 930
MP50 37 167 348 $6,032 22,431 910
FP40 6 12 27 $807 1,925 858
FP50 8 12 26 $338 1,632 822
MP55 2 5 14 $855 942 913
MP60 22 61 116 $3,657 7,928 909
FP60 2 3 8 $427 679 811
MP65 1 3 9 $641 593 920
FP65 1 1 3 $120 195 850
MP70 4 7 15 $213 1,164 825
MA1 84 900 1,644 $0 83,888 908
FA1 33 92 173 $0 12,414 797
MA2 80 956 1,674 $0 90,372 892
FA2 21 77 156 $0 11,216 751
MA3 77 1,177 1,965 $0 116,258 855
FA3 28 74 118 $0 9,058 723

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 128 180 $1,287 11,088 4
Arizona 2 205 410 $0 32,833 12
Arkansas 1 41 41 $49 2,707 0
British Columbia 2 135 251 $258 14,805 1
California 6 486 942 $990 54,665 40
Connecticut 1 29 107 $0 0 0
Florida 9 657 1,392 $34,275 85,416 119
Georgia 2 83 161 $205 3,496 2
Hawaii 1 37 76 $0 4,654 7
Illinois 3 432 431 $100 24,792 8
Indiana 4 256 409 $1,005 28,390 7
Iowa 1 93 94 $370 4,925 1
Kansas 1 37 161 $0 0 5
Louisiana 1 94 188 $0 11,236 10
Maryland 1 62 63 $0 3,103 0
Michigan 1 13 13 $70 844 0
Minnesota 1 34 35 $0 3,182 1
Mississippi 1 92 185 $756 10,385 6
Missouri 2 147 252 $242 14,500 3
Montana 1 18 38 $80 1,912 0
Nevada 2 76 308 $0 0 3
New Jersey 3 173 305 $650 20,650 3
North Carolina 3 269 372 $5,242 21,102 44
Ohio 2 182 361 $107 24,400 23
Oklahoma 3 203 380 $2,833 23,866 11
Oregon 4 220 443 $1,521 26,281 13
Pennsylvania 2 90 90 $540 4,931 2
South Carolina 3 126 182 $206 11,426 2
Tennessee 4 256 258 $211 15,249 10
Texas 12 673 983 $4,583 61,935 41
Utah 1 127 128 $0 7,180 1
Virginia 1 70 142 $175 8,746 3
Washington 1 33 66 $0 4,043 1
Wisconsin 1 103 204 $875 12,533 2
Wyoming 1 37 37 $0 3,011 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 2 135 251 $258 14,805 1
Colombia 1 36 74 $0 5,077 0
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 1 129 254 $0 17,279 1
Finland 3 144 233 $168 12,979 6
France 1 21 42 $0 2,618 0
Japan 1 29 42 $0 3,783 1
Mexico 2 146 377 $5,000 24,842 0
New Zealand 2 149 418 $0 28,819 33
Panama 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Spain 1 60 180 $0 11,258 2
Sweden 1 90 90 $0 5,798 0
Thailand 2 168 502 $5,983 33,443 9
United States 85 5,582 9,437 $56,372 543,481 386