StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-05-16 to Sunday 2022-05-22, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-05-16
(click to change weeks)
(12,653 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-05-29 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 130 2,007 4,155 $146,598 255,659 944
FPO 45 208 472 $34,230 35,030 847
MP40 73 494 1,034 $17,399 66,281 918
MP50 40 192 442 $5,212 30,696 883
FP40 7 15 36 $577 2,837 816
MP55 1 3 6 $190 315 908
MP60 21 78 161 $2,656 11,744 874
FP60 2 2 4 $85 294 713
MP65 1 1 1 $15 56 829
FP65 1 1 1 $15 58 802
MA1 142 1,892 3,656 $0 225,291 916
FA1 52 141 283 $0 20,362 789
MA2 140 2,465 4,534 $0 283,811 881
FA2 53 156 308 $0 22,948 755
MA3 140 2,682 4,780 $0 313,926 846
FA3 61 137 242 $0 19,014 683

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 190 334 $807 19,305 4
Alaska 1 67 134 $1,325 8,573 7
Alberta 2 150 380 $567 24,362 3
Arizona 2 122 203 $0 12,830 11
Arkansas 1 52 101 $1,498 5,614 0
British Columbia 1 87 174 $1,698 10,656 4
California 5 790 1,721 $79,996 106,924 210
Colorado 4 273 644 $4,351 39,369 16
Connecticut 1 130 130 $238 8,681 2
Florida 3 258 579 $1,373 36,845 21
Georgia 7 492 642 $106 41,182 3
Idaho 1 66 132 $0 7,978 0
Illinois 4 184 323 $2,364 21,809 11
Indiana 6 291 485 $2,963 25,992 8
Iowa 2 136 330 $2,125 19,868 6
Kansas 4 283 428 $2,206 28,957 9
Kentucky 6 243 454 $2,237 26,152 10
Louisiana 2 11 22 $60 1,388 0
Massachusetts 1 70 139 $3,904 9,169 7
Michigan 7 468 1,038 $1,783 61,373 6
Minnesota 7 459 895 $8,997 56,742 22
Mississippi 2 39 76 $0 4,730 0
Missouri 6 215 362 $2,183 23,927 7
Montana 2 86 171 $0 10,308 1
Nebraska 4 229 516 $3,400 34,499 19
New Hampshire 4 354 926 $125 55,826 6
New Jersey 4 177 176 $103 11,887 2
New York 4 180 358 $2,303 22,390 5
North Carolina 10 631 1,127 $5,798 65,181 31
Ohio 2 534 1,054 $6,820 70,917 19
Oklahoma 4 219 388 $3,245 25,521 6
Ontario 2 196 201 $0 12,824 0
Oregon 1 4 12 $0 626 3
Pennsylvania 3 240 473 $3,744 28,857 12
South Carolina 2 144 286 $3,277 18,584 12
Tennessee 2 172 246 $1,323 16,036 6
Texas 16 1,112 1,466 $5,010 96,161 25
Utah 4 279 407 $1,923 24,880 6
Vermont 1 154 302 $1,228 19,326 3
Virginia 3 272 608 $3,631 44,483 11
Washington 3 323 503 $4,406 38,065 5
West Virginia 1 105 308 $389 17,807 0
Wisconsin 5 546 952 $235 63,535 28
Wyoming 2 58 91 $0 7,004 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 42 84 $100 5,492 1
Canada 5 433 755 $2,265 47,842 7
Czech Republic 1 75 224 $0 15,921 1
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Estonia 3 277 496 $0 36,706 11
Finland 7 405 797 $0 57,048 12
France 1 76 227 $740 14,935 5
Iceland 1 90 265 $0 18,638 3
Japan 2 0 0 $0 0 0
Norway 3 236 467 $1,861 37,466 0
Philippines 1 6 12 $0 412 0
Poland 1 119 353 $2,352 27,109 3
Spain 1 38 113 $0 7,507 0
Sweden 12 950 2,026 $34,053 127,434 51
United Kingdom 1 48 172 $130 9,045 1
United States 152 10,658 19,542 $165,476 1,239,301 562