StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-08-19 to Sunday 2024-08-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-08-19
(click to change weeks)
(13,363 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-09-01 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 185 2,481 5,934 $272,200 314,786 950
FPO 62 314 900 $91,861 61,492 870
MP40 82 563 1,277 $21,311 74,738 922
MP50 51 272 627 $11,678 37,733 907
FP40 12 39 87 $867 6,447 794
FP50 2 4 10 $0 604 850
MP55 4 4 9 $96 576 884
MP60 23 47 97 $1,501 6,216 872
FP60 3 4 7 $75 547 822
FP65 1 1 3 $0 296 704
MP70 5 8 20 $188 1,406 858
MA1 192 2,312 5,340 $0 218,100 913
FA1 70 174 385 $0 18,529 812
MA2 178 2,051 4,328 $0 206,381 888
FA2 53 129 271 $0 17,714 770
MA3 198 2,527 5,334 $0 265,838 846
FA3 55 134 283 $0 15,856 703

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 99 171 $0 10,607 0
Alberta 4 181 645 $718 22,454 2
Arkansas 3 178 323 $2,647 17,878 9
British Columbia 1 29 87 $0 0 1
California 5 471 1,216 $12,522 66,055 52
Colorado 3 205 408 $0 23,405 15
Connecticut 3 108 214 $2,406 11,804 7
Delaware 2 75 146 $0 10,347 0
Florida 2 171 311 $138 17,871 4
Georgia 5 303 671 $465 20,211 15
Hawaii 1 38 75 $1,207 4,864 0
Idaho 1 33 34 $0 2,115 1
Illinois 11 727 1,391 $3,447 56,470 13
Indiana 5 254 522 $43 32,285 16
Iowa 3 183 371 $2,550 22,598 9
Kansas 5 188 281 $657 17,217 6
Kentucky 7 203 382 $140 17,727 4
Louisiana 4 123 295 $636 3,972 6
Maine 3 162 250 $1,449 15,189 3
Maryland 2 146 292 $1,711 12,088 3
Massachusetts 2 130 262 $2,555 15,993 10
Michigan 9 468 1,259 $602 42,547 19
Minnesota 5 218 390 $3,525 28,335 6
Mississippi 1 89 177 $2,357 9,790 4
Missouri 4 253 528 $2,232 17,141 22
Montana 1 83 244 $3,110 13,915 9
Nebraska 1 73 250 $0 0 3
Nevada 1 22 22 $108 1,589 1
New Brunswick 1 24 81 $0 0 0
New Hampshire 1 40 82 $0 5,162 0
New Jersey 3 127 332 $848 8,253 5
New Mexico 1 99 193 $0 16,348 5
New York 7 258 546 $624 22,568 8
North Carolina 11 639 1,340 $8,487 76,846 53
North Dakota 1 11 40 $0 0 0
Nova Scotia 1 14 42 $0 2,831 1
Ohio 4 270 722 $0 8,021 21
Oklahoma 5 259 508 $3,528 28,230 10
Ontario 2 202 434 $0 22,592 1
Oregon 5 246 703 $8,951 32,644 46
Pennsylvania 10 354 862 $2,080 28,467 6
Quebec 1 172 340 $1,852 21,151 3
Saskatchewan 1 50 151 $1,249 9,191 3
South Carolina 4 221 619 $456 8,630 15
South Dakota 1 51 104 $0 6,398 1
Tennessee 8 380 653 $2,498 32,944 10
Texas 14 527 664 $2,687 41,883 19
Utah 1 69 139 $0 9,923 0
Vermont 1 123 242 $3,355 15,372 7
Virginia 5 573 1,669 $285,574 107,249 604
Washington 5 306 631 $3,870 24,753 16
West Virginia 4 253 573 $285 36,601 3
Wisconsin 3 261 712 $16,151 39,784 63
Wyoming 2 42 87 $321 4,932 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 70 141 $436 9,197 0
Austria 2 75 296 $0 19,244 9
Belgium 1 33 67 $0 4,709 0
Belize 1 7 38 $0 0 0
Canada 12 678 1,792 $3,819 78,731 11
Colombia 1 8 27 $0 1,450 0
Croatia 1 26 52 $0 3,345 1
Czech Republic 1 70 142 $0 9,093 2
Denmark 3 92 183 $0 11,936 1
Estonia 2 247 632 $0 40,983 31
Finland 17 980 1,944 $574 90,276 48
France 1 36 73 $0 4,513 1
Germany 4 162 322 $0 18,792 16
Iceland 2 84 113 $0 7,532 0
Latvia 1 166 333 $0 20,862 1
Netherlands 1 46 91 $0 6,115 0
New Zealand 4 214 601 $0 20,608 7
Norway 4 248 923 $4,634 47,123 17
Poland 1 71 213 $0 17,098 1
Puerto Rico 1 16 51 $0 2,965 0
Sweden 17 973 1,866 $6,208 120,205 43
United States 187 10,112 21,906 $384,222 1,047,021 1,129