StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-07-20 to Sunday 2020-07-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-07-20
(click to change weeks)
(6,371 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:05 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 76 1,564 3,342 $112,193 199,065 946
FPO 36 153 355 $15,715 24,425 857
MP40 46 341 715 $16,380 44,951 923
MP50 23 148 316 $7,135 20,857 897
FP40 4 13 29 $392 2,447 803
MP55 2 5 10 $323 596 901
MP60 8 25 51 $1,603 3,216 863
FP60 1 1 2 $58 135 712
MP65 2 3 5 $200 302 879
FP65 1 2 2 $0 146 759
MA1 72 1,044 1,949 $0 114,849 917
FA1 26 63 120 $0 8,278 790
MA2 69 1,144 2,160 $0 134,271 880
FA2 33 95 157 $0 10,933 752
MA3 70 1,050 1,903 $0 124,024 844
FA3 22 50 86 $0 6,966 684

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 329 719 $5,161 40,793 28
Alaska 1 65 128 $1,218 7,173 4
Alberta 3 91 180 $872 10,642 3
Arkansas 2 204 408 $4,847 24,492 9
Colorado 2 115 230 $0 13,892 1
Florida 1 171 170 $116 8,590 1
Georgia 3 206 312 $1,876 19,895 4
Idaho 1 56 110 $0 7,179 1
Illinois 3 341 673 $3,023 42,678 24
Indiana 2 135 267 $0 16,220 0
Iowa 4 173 339 $2,722 19,855 13
Kansas 2 147 218 $817 13,030 2
Kentucky 5 250 448 $3,110 27,570 8
Massachusetts 1 55 54 $390 3,268 2
Michigan 3 249 651 $56,767 39,388 177
Minnesota 2 142 273 $2,325 16,185 10
Missouri 2 100 99 $759 7,483 2
Montana 2 59 118 $1,705 7,026 5
Nebraska 1 49 141 $176 8,101 1
New Hampshire 2 111 199 $933 12,474 2
New Jersey 1 81 162 $1,870 10,024 3
New York 1 27 54 $168 3,494 0
North Carolina 1 128 363 $6,255 21,420 26
Nova Scotia 1 45 135 $0 6,036 1
Ohio 2 218 290 $2,184 20,474 2
Oklahoma 1 44 73 $385 3,615 0
Oregon 2 110 219 $3,401 13,961 22
Pennsylvania 2 145 210 $945 14,391 6
South Carolina 1 77 152 $680 10,279 5
Tennessee 2 193 379 $2,928 27,636 7
Texas 4 291 457 $4,974 27,621 13
Utah 2 153 304 $3,170 18,928 4
Vermont 1 75 149 $858 7,873 2
Virginia 3 157 311 $3,468 18,678 15
Washington 2 179 312 $3,775 21,274 10
West Virginia 1 46 45 $0 2,765 0
Wisconsin 3 199 390 $3,961 24,243 16

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 4 136 315 $872 16,678 4
Czech Republic 1 84 252 $791 16,170 10
Estonia 2 192 504 $11,433 35,221 23
Finland 9 776 1,649 $14,605 109,933 65
France 1 33 99 $0 4,856 1
Germany 1 35 68 $0 3,687 0
Hungary 1 35 100 $0 6,793 3
Iceland 1 58 165 $0 10,364 4
Norway 3 135 239 $1,077 16,121 1
Sweden 5 187 320 $446 20,621 7
United States 70 5,080 9,427 $124,967 581,968 425