StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-08-27 to Sunday 2018-09-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-08-27
(click to change weeks)
(4,886 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:58 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 66 1,148 2,701 $78,178 163,734 946
FPO 38 106 262 $6,913 18,919 834
MP40 44 325 764 $20,925 48,218 924
MP50 29 177 455 $11,285 28,783 906
FP40 2 5 15 $322 1,105 842
MP55 2 2 6 $320 396 889
MP60 9 24 62 $1,473 4,062 890
MP70 1 1 3 $100 201 867
MA1 62 943 2,070 $0 134,094 918
FA1 32 90 202 $0 14,821 801
MA2 50 776 1,674 $0 110,294 884
FA2 20 60 135 $0 10,306 755
MA3 48 694 1,450 $0 97,445 850
FA3 17 50 92 $0 7,847 729

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 14 28 $0 1,504 0
Alaska 1 27 106 $1,548 6,108 1
Alberta 1 101 294 $2,635 18,724 13
Arizona 1 22 66 $265 4,002 2
Arkansas 1 47 94 $1,140 5,389 3
British Columbia 2 38 74 $139 4,902 1
California 2 247 665 $14,915 38,551 47
Colorado 3 127 249 $730 13,858 6
Connecticut 1 104 310 $8,596 23,390 33
Idaho 1 21 28 $410 1,935 0
Indiana 3 135 267 $840 17,189 3
Iowa 2 99 194 $322 11,228 1
Kansas 2 153 370 $635 21,895 8
Louisiana 1 56 166 $1,160 10,730 1
Maine 1 111 219 $1,865 12,598 8
Massachusetts 2 139 278 $15,456 18,108 37
Michigan 2 559 1,017 $9,494 74,554 24
Minnesota 1 41 81 $505 4,715 2
Missouri 2 136 372 $2,942 23,724 6
New Jersey 1 53 105 $418 6,640 1
New York 1 10 20 $250 1,535 0
North Carolina 2 120 288 $1,688 16,485 21
North Dakota 1 61 183 $7,505 15,811 13
Ohio 1 68 136 $250 7,818 0
Oregon 1 100 197 $2,531 17,387 4
Pennsylvania 2 50 86 $430 5,967 2
Tennessee 1 72 141 $1,646 12,579 5
Texas 5 293 641 $3,872 41,443 22
Utah 1 34 34 $0 2,218 2
Vermont 1 25 49 $650 2,903 0
Virginia 1 44 85 $0 5,435 0
Washington 3 205 578 $5,070 36,499 15
West Virginia 2 151 396 $5,513 25,800 9
Wisconsin 1 220 432 $6,503 36,809 14

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 139 368 $2,774 23,626 14
Czech Republic 1 20 40 $0 2,752 0
Estonia 1 39 77 $0 5,099 0
Finland 9 553 1,313 $6,585 81,501 49
Germany 4 160 436 $0 23,308 9
Japan 1 18 56 $315 3,360 8
Latvia 1 22 43 $0 3,317 0
Netherlands 1 40 80 $0 5,351 1
Norway 1 80 275 $5,919 15,251 14
Sweden 7 420 809 $3,388 52,101 22
United Kingdom 1 17 34 $84 1,894 0
United States 53 3,687 8,161 $100,451 542,552 298