StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-10-08 to Sunday 2018-10-14, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-10-08
(click to change weeks)
(4,492 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:59 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 74 1,002 2,197 $69,908 132,283 948
FPO 28 79 201 $8,710 13,643 862
MP40 47 316 647 $14,927 41,012 921
MP50 23 117 235 $4,441 15,458 892
FP40 3 8 19 $289 1,329 823
FP50 2 8 16 $139 1,348 742
MP55 1 1 1 $36 57 926
FP55 1 1 3 $225 222 845
MP60 10 32 73 $1,575 5,053 839
MP65 1 3 9 $675 590 919
MP70 3 5 13 $747 1,001 805
FP70 1 1 3 $225 270 707
MA1 71 782 1,554 $0 96,758 919
FA1 26 72 151 $0 10,852 789
MA2 63 765 1,520 $0 96,349 884
FA2 27 67 130 $0 9,741 741
MA3 58 693 1,369 $0 90,719 843
FA3 16 40 86 $0 7,032 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 78 154 $2,265 9,345 5
Alaska 1 54 105 $1,399 5,879 5
Arizona 1 77 150 $2,777 9,198 9
British Columbia 1 96 192 $861 12,223 6
California 5 247 368 $3,146 22,548 12
Colorado 2 115 224 $1,680 16,061 8
Florida 2 139 403 $1,768 24,014 9
Georgia 2 253 749 $29,802 50,923 101
Idaho 1 18 35 $0 2,127 0
Illinois 2 155 309 $2,937 19,754 7
Indiana 2 104 208 $968 14,121 5
Kansas 2 238 321 $3,310 20,493 9
Kentucky 1 24 48 $100 2,908 1
Louisiana 1 38 76 $840 4,794 2
Maine 1 92 179 $2,442 11,045 9
Maryland 1 68 136 $277 8,659 2
Massachusetts 1 54 108 $385 7,252 0
Michigan 2 93 185 $441 10,901 5
Minnesota 1 98 194 $3,320 13,517 15
Missouri 3 108 215 $1,387 12,317 8
Nebraska 1 16 16 $88 1,068 0
New Hampshire 1 19 19 $90 1,171 1
New Jersey 1 62 122 $360 7,923 1
New Mexico 2 14 28 $155 1,706 3
New York 3 135 386 $10,358 25,219 39
North Carolina 3 152 305 $874 17,164 16
North Dakota 1 60 118 $2,345 9,470 4
Ohio 3 135 328 $405 20,047 7
Oklahoma 1 22 44 $80 2,729 1
Ontario 1 38 74 $589 4,458 3
Oregon 1 69 138 $991 9,531 1
Pennsylvania 1 70 138 $0 8,227 2
South Dakota 1 16 16 $0 1,377 0
Tennessee 1 117 345 $3,205 20,248 10
Texas 5 223 340 $2,829 23,038 12
Utah 1 10 20 $0 1,209 0
Washington 1 123 244 $6,180 14,367 23
West Virginia 2 107 214 $1,561 15,812 5
Wisconsin 3 194 377 $4,163 23,656 9

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 25 50 $36 3,206 0
Austria 1 36 72 $0 4,476 1
Belgium 1 26 44 $0 2,484 0
Canada 2 134 266 $1,450 16,681 9
Croatia 1 21 51 $0 1,975 2
Czech Republic 1 64 189 $295 12,213 0
Estonia 2 129 254 $0 16,438 1
Finland 9 493 890 $6,423 63,763 14
Germany 2 72 143 $0 8,272 1
Norway 2 67 126 $0 8,157 1
Switzerland 1 54 181 $765 10,760 13
Thailand 1 13 26 $0 1,645 0
United Kingdom 2 36 59 $0 3,458 0
United States 64 3,597 7,365 $92,928 469,818 346