StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-04-01 to Sunday 2019-04-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-04-01
(click to change weeks)
(5,765 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:00 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 73 1,168 2,682 $80,373 158,092 950
FPO 38 137 324 $13,524 22,773 855
MP40 45 333 778 $19,741 48,003 928
MP50 25 147 339 $10,317 21,597 911
FP40 6 24 58 $3,122 4,024 810
MP55 1 2 6 $240 343 917
MP60 7 19 49 $1,393 3,284 881
FP60 1 2 6 $155 430 794
MA1 71 1,171 2,618 $0 165,584 916
FA1 31 102 232 $0 17,292 790
MA2 66 1,168 2,561 $0 162,829 881
FA2 26 76 171 $0 12,911 758
MA3 58 773 1,696 $0 112,300 843
FA3 25 63 121 $0 9,135 683

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 34 102 $260 3,906 1
Arizona 1 122 238 $2,670 13,785 14
Arkansas 3 118 192 $7,990 12,449 20
British Columbia 1 92 184 $1,278 10,602 7
California 5 505 1,337 $13,534 85,740 57
Colorado 2 228 550 $3,982 37,515 20
Florida 3 209 493 $12,986 36,692 39
Georgia 2 130 307 $360 21,228 3
Idaho 1 143 419 $5,290 27,610 26
Illinois 1 92 183 $670 10,177 3
Indiana 2 92 243 $1,930 15,856 10
Iowa 4 269 535 $3,754 32,703 22
Kansas 1 76 148 $2,104 8,981 9
Kentucky 2 168 396 $2,495 22,983 13
Maryland 1 72 144 $838 9,734 1
Michigan 5 353 833 $1,815 52,486 13
Minnesota 2 185 369 $2,429 22,537 16
Missouri 2 105 208 $1,932 12,209 3
Nebraska 2 99 161 $1,778 10,735 5
New Jersey 1 71 136 $520 9,065 3
New Mexico 1 34 101 $0 6,177 0
New York 2 165 420 $8,051 27,829 22
North Carolina 2 222 654 $3,634 38,501 26
North Dakota 1 47 92 $714 5,371 4
Ohio 2 163 322 $2,165 22,843 4
Oklahoma 1 71 202 $1,375 14,128 7
Oregon 3 150 267 $1,645 15,600 14
Pennsylvania 2 129 187 $1,062 13,288 2
South Carolina 1 48 96 $655 5,849 1
Tennessee 2 162 311 $2,222 18,901 7
Texas 6 451 935 $26,126 60,167 35
Virginia 3 145 286 $3,355 18,367 14
Washington 2 128 252 $2,064 15,633 5
West Virginia 1 67 133 $296 7,843 1
Wisconsin 1 45 90 $485 5,433 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 60 214 $0 13,884 2
Canada 1 92 184 $1,278 10,602 7
Czech Republic 1 62 183 $0 12,478 3
Denmark 1 62 180 $204 13,217 0
Estonia 1 84 168 $903 12,489 0
Finland 1 89 178 $0 11,571 0
Germany 1 66 198 $295 12,203 15
Italy 1 43 85 $688 5,287 1
Netherlands 1 43 82 $0 4,677 2
Norway 2 91 181 $1,274 11,259 0
South Korea 1 45 141 $1,723 8,544 0
Sweden 2 134 267 $1,285 16,615 4
United Kingdom 3 65 128 $29 8,040 0
United States 71 5,098 11,342 $121,186 722,321 427