StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-06-15 to Sunday 2020-06-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-06-15
(click to change weeks)
(4,188 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:05 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 52 841 1,640 $38,846 101,628 942
FPO 25 84 179 $3,262 13,077 827
MP40 28 242 436 $8,554 29,355 915
MP50 13 63 106 $2,879 7,875 905
FP40 1 1 2 $23 229 719
MP60 6 16 29 $633 2,283 870
MP65 1 3 3 $145 233 868
MA1 50 750 1,354 $0 86,800 912
FA1 24 61 118 $0 9,253 783
MA2 50 815 1,433 $0 93,188 877
FA2 17 53 97 $0 7,347 769
MA3 41 594 969 $0 67,904 841
FA3 17 57 95 $0 7,800 717

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 76 150 $0 8,722 1
Alaska 1 17 50 $462 2,774 0
California 1 57 169 $8,370 11,519 27
Colorado 1 50 100 $0 5,848 2
Florida 1 96 95 $260 5,382 5
Georgia 2 167 167 $749 11,337 1
Indiana 4 315 603 $3,830 41,848 11
Iowa 2 114 228 $937 12,193 6
Kansas 3 199 252 $1,578 18,320 4
Kentucky 1 55 55 $210 3,467 1
Maryland 1 24 24 $54 1,515 2
Michigan 2 128 225 $1,966 13,663 9
Minnesota 1 161 161 $1,430 10,760 1
Mississippi 1 43 85 $360 5,289 3
Montana 1 77 154 $2,317 10,890 10
Nebraska 1 64 64 $241 3,626 1
New Hampshire 1 65 125 $1,017 8,221 8
New York 1 66 263 $1,307 13,992 5
North Carolina 1 57 57 $298 3,472 1
Ohio 3 210 511 $495 32,572 3
Oregon 2 87 173 $1,267 10,032 12
Pennsylvania 1 107 107 $436 8,526 1
South Carolina 3 179 354 $1,468 21,574 7
South Dakota 2 91 181 $1,240 11,420 6
Tennessee 2 220 380 $4,405 24,519 17
Texas 3 269 553 $4,751 33,744 14
Virginia 1 83 83 $714 7,148 8
Washington 1 134 266 $4,565 23,944 15
West Virginia 1 31 61 $190 4,085 2
Wisconsin 2 253 504 $4,230 37,100 18
Wyoming 1 70 140 $937 9,500 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Czech Republic 1 53 159 $296 9,614 7
Estonia 2 179 354 $1,482 25,188 4
Finland 3 159 246 $329 20,456 1
Iceland 1 53 157 $0 10,350 3
Latvia 1 21 42 $180 2,583 1
Lithuania 1 61 120 $567 8,480 0
Norway 3 185 489 $490 33,120 0
Sweden 3 120 155 $1,210 9,338 3
United States 49 3,565 6,340 $50,084 417,002 209