StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-10-02 to Sunday 2023-10-08, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-10-02
(click to change weeks)
(10,217 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-10-15 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 157 1,791 3,831 $217,816 214,439 951
FPO 55 182 477 $56,718 32,666 877
MP40 75 476 1,089 $34,286 67,307 919
MP50 37 153 357 $10,808 22,790 907
FP40 11 33 82 $2,643 6,256 797
FP50 3 9 20 $865 1,336 829
MP55 3 19 53 $733 3,428 921
MP60 17 55 127 $3,930 7,961 882
FP60 2 2 6 $259 447 738
MP70 2 2 5 $94 391 782
MA1 160 1,735 3,273 $0 168,753 908
FA1 55 152 290 $0 20,192 790
MA2 151 1,589 2,873 $0 170,921 885
FA2 45 99 187 $0 13,325 756
MA3 158 1,950 3,448 $0 209,262 848
FA3 45 113 208 $0 16,731 702

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 168 304 $1,661 19,515 6
Alaska 1 65 186 $1,565 11,726 9
Alberta 1 13 26 $0 1,732 0
Arizona 1 160 475 $8,640 35,937 9
Arkansas 2 158 312 $4,786 18,005 10
British Columbia 3 127 252 $715 14,277 6
California 7 698 1,655 $23,741 100,555 68
Colorado 8 364 492 $11,903 44,792 25
Connecticut 1 23 43 $89 3,109 0
Delaware 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Florida 3 290 473 $3,281 27,471 11
Georgia 4 182 351 $2,101 24,971 5
Idaho 1 90 177 $3,560 12,296 5
Illinois 8 393 736 $1,398 38,699 10
Indiana 9 309 612 $2,796 28,620 13
Iowa 4 155 284 $4,785 18,279 16
Kansas 3 137 186 $218 11,855 0
Kentucky 2 135 330 $0 0 8
Louisiana 1 35 70 $420 4,042 2
Maine 2 85 168 $2,873 9,891 2
Maryland 3 125 189 $1,078 10,122 1
Massachusetts 3 80 79 $0 3,922 2
Michigan 18 692 1,120 $2,500 62,184 22
Minnesota 4 163 328 $3,293 18,611 5
Mississippi 2 24 48 $0 2,958 0
Missouri 5 237 429 $4,186 21,384 7
Nebraska 2 72 103 $560 8,232 1
New Hampshire 1 86 167 $2,778 10,793 4
New Jersey 1 19 12 $0 0 0
New York 4 151 294 $2,427 19,432 2
North Carolina 5 263 388 $616 14,874 11
North Dakota 1 21 39 $0 2,804 1
Nova Scotia 1 47 94 $811 5,669 2
Ohio 8 458 908 $3,147 46,021 16
Oklahoma 3 149 249 $1,810 15,167 6
Ontario 3 115 230 $745 16,224 2
Oregon 1 163 480 $8,400 30,865 32
Pennsylvania 10 406 725 $6,005 42,943 17
Quebec 2 151 311 $1,891 20,203 1
South Carolina 2 149 591 $173,351 38,475 312
South Dakota 3 121 242 $745 14,594 1
Tennessee 3 105 154 $815 8,657 5
Texas 18 846 1,362 $14,032 70,435 40
Utah 3 106 197 $556 11,802 0
Vermont 2 121 240 $2,108 15,287 5
Virginia 4 127 239 $1,631 11,606 4
Washington 3 184 393 $4,602 22,994 9
West Virginia 1 18 13 $0 0 0
Wisconsin 7 350 615 $5,843 39,979 19
Wyoming 2 52 52 $0 4,006 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 165 431 $1,964 31,156 1
Belize 1 13 29 $0 0 0
Canada 10 453 913 $4,162 58,105 11
Czech Republic 1 61 183 $1,495 13,394 10
Denmark 3 195 385 $0 23,950 4
Estonia 1 71 127 $0 9,110 1
Finland 11 362 676 $1,308 43,481 14
France 1 73 219 $0 15,846 0
Germany 2 153 524 $3,112 32,201 54
Netherlands 2 75 149 $0 7,962 2
Norway 2 84 164 $450 11,100 3
Philippines 1 41 40 $0 2,837 0
Poland 2 78 234 $0 18,392 3
Slovenia 1 34 100 $0 5,688 0
South Africa 1 14 27 $56 1,899 0
Sweden 1 86 86 $0 5,789 0
Switzerland 1 46 134 $940 8,745 5
United Kingdom 2 70 189 $480 12,603 6
United States 181 8,735 16,510 $314,300 957,910 722