StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-05-23 to Sunday 2022-05-29, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-05-23
(click to change weeks)
(12,151 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-06-05 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 124 2,022 4,406 $89,209 264,817 946
FPO 46 197 455 $8,843 31,805 849
MP40 64 594 1,308 $24,046 81,509 924
MP50 34 230 548 $6,951 34,916 911
FP40 6 20 49 $724 3,646 841
FP50 2 7 13 $0 1,087 714
MP55 3 4 6 $195 411 844
MP60 19 88 209 $1,673 14,104 870
FP60 1 1 2 $38 168 776
MP70 3 4 10 $361 855 842
MA1 129 1,833 3,758 $0 229,619 917
FA1 52 153 336 $0 23,894 792
MA2 130 2,357 4,594 $0 289,839 881
FA2 44 132 274 $0 19,591 758
MA3 131 2,432 4,750 $0 308,792 848
FA3 47 137 259 $0 19,690 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 419 1,076 $8,817 61,920 47
Alaska 2 96 192 $0 10,721 3
Alberta 1 41 82 $61 4,327 0
Arizona 1 165 322 $0 22,552 13
Arkansas 4 232 402 $243 24,589 6
British Columbia 1 348 1,025 $0 65,621 20
California 3 318 627 $5,937 39,254 24
Colorado 5 508 1,000 $1,150 62,232 13
Connecticut 1 62 62 $0 3,384 0
Delaware 1 66 129 $454 8,363 0
Florida 5 493 1,001 $2,397 59,533 21
Georgia 2 150 300 $0 19,139 3
Idaho 1 149 291 $3,988 19,172 15
Illinois 6 507 921 $3,131 57,791 16
Indiana 1 12 24 $81 2,019 0
Iowa 3 269 396 $2,581 25,312 12
Kansas 1 49 96 $495 6,145 1
Kentucky 3 193 385 $956 25,860 3
Louisiana 1 8 7 $0 587 0
Maine 1 23 46 $460 3,398 0
Manitoba 3 121 241 $1,326 17,592 0
Massachusetts 4 305 497 $4,739 30,831 13
Michigan 12 836 1,645 $4,802 102,283 16
Minnesota 3 209 389 $1,655 25,764 4
Missouri 4 508 1,192 $12,078 76,725 45
Nevada 1 136 395 $0 28,242 1
New Brunswick 1 82 164 $0 10,590 0
New Hampshire 1 18 36 $437 2,307 3
New Jersey 1 56 110 $0 7,304 4
New Mexico 1 27 53 $876 3,391 1
New York 6 367 709 $1,572 48,607 9
North Carolina 8 477 724 $1,207 44,805 18
Ohio 3 360 1,126 $1,762 67,124 10
Oklahoma 4 220 429 $2,835 27,483 8
Ontario 1 8 8 $0 473 0
Oregon 4 203 398 $370 23,265 6
Pennsylvania 4 245 516 $5,769 36,069 18
Quebec 1 74 148 $1,934 9,555 1
South Carolina 1 79 156 $206 8,703 2
South Dakota 2 79 137 $0 8,056 2
Tennessee 1 173 341 $3,662 19,364 6
Texas 13 802 1,272 $9,735 79,084 16
Virginia 3 174 427 $1,964 23,937 8
Washington 2 170 475 $20,790 35,494 61
Wisconsin 2 197 390 $3,007 30,263 7
Wyoming 1 14 28 $129 1,599 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 2 117 234 $0 15,532 5
Belize 1 14 20 $150 1,476 0
Canada 8 674 1,668 $3,321 108,158 21
Croatia 1 24 48 $0 3,119 0
Denmark 2 144 288 $885 19,681 3
Estonia 2 190 380 $1,073 25,424 1
Finland 15 1,204 2,465 $12,180 160,703 125
Germany 2 181 530 $0 32,211 26
Iceland 1 35 66 $0 4,066 0
Latvia 1 31 62 $0 4,420 0
Netherlands 1 22 22 $0 1,463 0
Norway 4 267 526 $6,019 35,231 4
Singapore 1 27 27 $86 1,693 0
Sweden 13 572 1,349 $41 87,205 10
United Kingdom 2 49 96 $0 6,217 0
United States 124 9,374 18,722 $108,285 1,182,671 436