StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-06-17 to Sunday 2024-06-23, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-06-17
(click to change weeks)
(12,513 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-06-27 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 170 2,164 5,205 $171,117 261,924 948
FPO 64 259 679 $41,863 44,092 869
MP40 82 695 1,657 $40,452 97,050 918
MP50 43 248 579 $13,374 35,786 907
FP40 16 38 85 $1,621 5,885 802
FP50 3 7 17 $1,016 1,006 861
MP55 3 6 13 $300 815 884
FP55 1 1 2 $0 136 844
MP60 22 69 174 $6,056 10,722 899
FP60 2 3 6 $50 415 822
MP65 2 5 10 $135 620 888
FP65 1 1 1 $0 74 772
MP70 7 10 20 $370 1,345 832
FP70 1 1 2 $0 165 687
MA1 186 2,402 6,051 $0 224,249 897
FA1 60 165 361 $0 21,550 803
MA2 166 2,009 4,250 $0 224,859 885
FA2 48 124 275 $0 18,306 751
MA3 164 2,194 4,394 $0 234,608 848
FA3 64 141 285 $0 18,437 695

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 169 413 $1,738 16,906 6
Alaska 2 87 194 $900 11,368 6
Alberta 3 72 292 $0 2,430 0
Arizona 3 161 536 $4,486 19,109 21
Arkansas 4 238 350 $2,749 21,833 20
British Columbia 3 163 330 $816 18,766 1
California 3 345 905 $14,840 62,708 37
Colorado 8 650 1,876 $26,795 75,023 70
Connecticut 5 241 469 $1,210 28,150 5
Florida 4 495 769 $2,685 39,660 13
Georgia 5 271 657 $918 29,531 14
Idaho 2 110 167 $0 11,561 3
Illinois 7 449 734 $10,682 48,614 27
Indiana 7 327 789 $1,528 34,090 13
Iowa 6 481 1,127 $11,745 70,070 27
Kansas 2 76 198 $1,890 11,224 5
Kentucky 5 162 271 $867 14,973 12
Louisiana 1 46 90 $1,060 5,942 3
Manitoba 3 87 297 $0 7,884 0
Maryland 2 102 204 $504 11,945 5
Massachusetts 3 120 205 $380 10,108 1
Michigan 17 746 2,415 $10,205 51,041 32
Minnesota 3 243 621 $85,906 39,991 232
Mississippi 1 37 76 $1,312 4,414 2
Missouri 5 243 360 $2,748 20,226 5
Montana 1 94 180 $3,758 14,005 11
Nebraska 1 6 25 $0 0 0
Nevada 1 72 210 $1,570 19,044 5
New Brunswick 2 63 147 $0 5,112 0
New Hampshire 1 88 175 $1,750 10,061 2
New Jersey 3 112 152 $348 9,444 0
New Mexico 1 49 99 $252 5,608 0
New York 3 199 486 $1,725 26,855 7
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 16 84 $0 0 1
North Carolina 10 459 780 $1,615 47,668 8
Ohio 10 644 1,348 $820 78,994 11
Oklahoma 2 62 111 $0 7,121 1
Ontario 3 222 517 $3,204 32,455 15
Oregon 7 378 998 $6,894 50,002 28
Pennsylvania 8 427 1,191 $1,368 27,719 20
Prince Edward Island 1 41 82 $403 5,449 0
Quebec 1 6 38 $0 0 0
Rhode Island 2 35 99 $0 2,710 0
Saskatchewan 1 187 559 $0 35,942 3
South Carolina 5 186 420 $2,303 20,562 13
South Dakota 1 18 19 $0 1,138 0
Tennessee 5 352 740 $6,901 42,881 32
Texas 14 745 954 $4,075 59,690 18
Utah 1 34 67 $46 4,939 1
Vermont 1 343 1,012 $21,510 68,307 78
Virginia 8 260 402 $157 22,895 3
Washington 3 153 302 $1,945 19,052 6
Wisconsin 3 248 422 $2,660 24,078 8

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 86 176 $0 10,688 3
Austria 1 49 141 $0 8,893 4
Canada 19 879 2,392 $4,423 110,684 20
Croatia 1 54 145 $0 7,717 0
Czech Republic 1 28 58 $0 3,240 0
Denmark 1 86 251 $1,468 15,796 2
Estonia 3 150 271 $0 17,588 2
Finland 2 99 192 $0 16,017 2
France 2 69 140 $0 9,608 2
Germany 4 203 601 $0 33,765 13
Iceland 2 107 239 $0 15,340 1
Luxembourg 1 30 92 $0 3,843 3
Mongolia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Netherlands 1 30 62 $85 3,670 0
Norway 6 216 472 $984 29,379 0
South Africa 1 37 75 $0 5,487 0
Sweden 10 632 1,305 $24,694 73,230 133
Ukraine 1 14 43 $135 2,473 0
United Kingdom 3 90 264 $0 5,981 1
United States 190 10,763 23,618 $244,845 1,201,260 811