StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-05-09 to Sunday 2022-05-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-05-09
(click to change weeks)
(13,742 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-05-19 18:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 138 2,265 4,778 $145,652 281,933 952
FPO 57 221 471 $17,288 33,479 851
MP40 78 714 1,493 $35,640 94,163 921
MP50 42 266 597 $14,687 38,095 913
FP40 13 42 100 $3,846 7,826 832
FP50 3 5 11 $126 934 732
MP55 1 11 22 $0 1,596 890
FP55 1 1 2 $353 153 775
MP60 22 87 199 $5,105 13,770 878
FP60 1 2 4 $0 390 689
MP65 3 8 15 $48 1,038 849
MP70 6 12 28 $482 2,399 817
MA1 148 2,253 4,605 $0 282,798 917
FA1 73 227 490 $0 34,499 802
MA2 142 2,458 4,765 $0 298,272 878
FA2 56 145 309 $0 22,934 752
MA3 141 2,817 5,141 $0 330,501 846
FA3 69 184 357 $0 27,655 691

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 146 220 $657 11,971 0
Alaska 1 69 138 $890 7,282 3
Alberta 1 16 32 $64 2,160 0
Arizona 1 118 232 $2,088 15,519 4
Arkansas 2 59 110 $291 6,519 1
British Columbia 2 136 266 $0 16,947 3
California 5 544 1,444 $35,790 96,393 195
Colorado 4 404 782 $8,990 46,977 22
Connecticut 1 137 137 $280 8,264 3
Delaware 1 80 159 $0 8,946 0
Florida 5 391 520 $1,161 29,993 4
Georgia 4 265 519 $37 33,932 9
Hawaii 1 20 40 $0 2,207 0
Idaho 1 93 186 $920 11,223 3
Illinois 3 758 1,788 $20,516 108,868 70
Indiana 5 190 286 $1,552 18,145 4
Iowa 1 37 71 $0 4,431 0
Kansas 3 292 507 $3,543 28,247 16
Kentucky 5 397 720 $1,522 46,111 21
Louisiana 2 77 154 $0 9,412 4
Maine 2 222 423 $690 24,689 9
Maryland 1 68 136 $983 8,883 1
Massachusetts 5 135 206 $1,223 12,048 3
Michigan 5 430 975 $6,427 60,424 27
Minnesota 4 413 679 $3,261 43,627 15
Mississippi 1 34 66 $0 3,842 0
Missouri 3 270 704 $6,333 44,649 16
Nebraska 2 75 147 $3,302 10,280 8
New Brunswick 1 101 301 $1,656 18,424 1
New Jersey 2 85 152 $545 9,916 0
New Mexico 2 151 263 $4,517 17,934 3
New York 4 272 538 $1,925 33,662 6
North Carolina 12 708 1,014 $2,411 58,705 13
Ohio 2 188 278 $0 18,634 4
Oklahoma 4 340 848 $12,115 49,985 51
Ontario 1 72 144 $0 9,008 0
Oregon 4 299 589 $910 39,280 15
Pennsylvania 5 409 992 $5,774 60,936 22
Quebec 1 89 178 $1,480 12,941 0
South Carolina 2 131 334 $13,800 19,830 55
South Dakota 2 47 94 $246 5,727 1
Tennessee 6 329 604 $1,460 35,882 7
Texas 16 915 1,628 $28,590 104,139 105
Utah 3 197 339 $5,029 21,192 9
Virginia 3 110 198 $419 12,477 3
Washington 2 298 819 $15,713 69,963 65
West Virginia 4 217 431 $2,025 27,336 8
Wisconsin 6 368 709 $5,521 44,527 13
Wyoming 1 50 100 $350 6,073 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 106 215 $245 13,268 4
Belgium 1 19 56 $0 3,909 0
Canada 6 414 921 $3,200 59,480 4
Czech Republic 2 51 102 $0 6,430 0
Denmark 1 204 602 $15,130 39,000 43
Estonia 4 376 579 $1,041 37,958 3
Finland 11 1,009 2,105 $787 137,068 32
France 1 18 35 $0 2,214 0
Germany 3 71 140 $0 8,873 4
Iceland 1 22 43 $0 2,469 1
Italy 1 39 77 $0 5,356 0
Latvia 1 98 195 $0 15,999 1
Netherlands 2 72 115 $0 6,803 2
Norway 3 322 538 $694 38,604 1
Slovenia 1 65 192 $0 11,134 4
Sweden 10 640 1,297 $90 86,019 7
United Kingdom 3 158 424 $234 25,169 1
United States 150 10,838 21,279 $201,806 1,339,080 818