StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-08-22 to Sunday 2022-08-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-08-22
(click to change weeks)
(11,003 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-09-01 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 139 2,087 4,572 $77,283 278,253 943
FPO 62 245 523 $9,161 37,911 834
MP40 64 490 1,072 $14,649 66,957 921
MP50 34 193 436 $5,999 26,980 909
FP40 7 23 57 $2,262 4,072 844
MP55 3 6 12 $140 774 895
MP60 15 62 149 $3,634 9,663 892
MP65 3 3 5 $198 332 857
MP70 1 1 2 $0 134 757
FP70 1 2 4 $0 390 518
MA1 128 1,551 3,423 $0 209,807 916
FA1 49 126 277 $0 20,209 787
MA2 138 2,097 4,364 $0 271,096 884
FA2 48 130 275 $0 20,097 752
MA3 136 2,074 4,248 $0 272,521 850
FA3 51 117 228 $0 17,912 702

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 179 433 $0 25,290 6
Alberta 4 101 227 $1,609 14,731 0
Arizona 1 101 190 $0 12,673 8
Arkansas 1 25 49 $0 2,902 0
British Columbia 1 99 295 $3,523 20,595 6
California 5 574 1,314 $456 89,868 30
Colorado 2 175 228 $2,857 12,693 4
Florida 4 376 534 $500 29,961 5
Georgia 2 39 76 $0 4,878 1
Idaho 2 106 248 $720 16,567 2
Illinois 3 258 569 $2,130 34,182 24
Indiana 4 264 517 $5,480 37,432 23
Iowa 5 255 505 $733 30,266 9
Kansas 7 257 327 $1,312 32,006 5
Kentucky 2 156 378 $165 24,338 5
Maine 2 93 154 $701 9,298 2
Manitoba 1 41 82 $0 5,969 1
Maryland 2 69 138 $390 9,183 3
Massachusetts 4 208 310 $1,791 19,182 10
Michigan 9 357 680 $810 42,426 14
Minnesota 4 345 858 $0 51,612 4
Mississippi 1 112 222 $605 12,550 4
Missouri 5 690 1,698 $39,173 107,396 83
Montana 1 109 312 $0 19,035 12
Nebraska 1 88 175 $2,059 11,627 7
New Hampshire 1 25 50 $333 2,966 3
New Mexico 1 66 196 $0 12,008 5
New York 4 238 586 $5,639 37,476 16
North Carolina 7 351 878 $222 47,643 38
North Dakota 1 44 132 $0 9,577 3
Nova Scotia 1 20 60 $1,149 4,184 0
Ohio 3 206 410 $65 27,683 1
Oklahoma 4 172 296 $2,038 17,148 8
Ontario 1 82 241 $2,439 14,912 4
Oregon 3 226 563 $0 39,388 32
Pennsylvania 6 452 902 $6,302 57,121 17
Saskatchewan 1 69 207 $1,506 14,773 0
South Carolina 1 53 105 $0 6,526 1
South Dakota 2 27 53 $114 3,165 1
Tennessee 6 445 807 $4,474 48,904 19
Texas 14 591 1,051 $5,259 64,915 20
Utah 2 167 196 $0 11,440 3
Vermont 1 85 168 $755 10,180 2
Virginia 2 92 155 $641 11,566 3
Washington 2 225 530 $5,005 33,937 11
West Virginia 2 164 405 $500 27,911 0
Wisconsin 2 251 663 $0 40,628 46
Wyoming 1 60 180 $0 11,208 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 19 36 $0 2,656 0
Austria 1 10 56 $0 2,969 0
Belgium 1 30 57 $0 3,706 0
Canada 10 441 1,169 $10,226 78,640 11
Czech Republic 1 35 69 $141 4,078 1
Denmark 1 120 347 $0 23,781 14
Estonia 1 122 358 $0 20,203 8
Finland 9 518 1,175 $10,322 74,723 89
Germany 1 42 84 $0 4,805 2
Iceland 1 64 189 $0 12,372 5
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 2 0 0 $0 0 0
Lithuania 1 48 96 $0 6,164 0
Netherlands 1 22 43 $0 2,684 0
New Zealand 1 44 88 $0 5,907 4
Norway 4 338 666 $690 41,654 3
Slovenia 1 48 141 $0 8,878 2
Sweden 13 776 1,402 $718 91,408 9
Switzerland 3 95 189 $0 10,542 7
United Kingdom 1 18 28 $0 2,027 0
United States 134 8,776 18,241 $91,229 1,156,755 493