StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-08-15 to Sunday 2022-08-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-08-15
(click to change weeks)
(12,441 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-08-24 00:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 127 2,079 4,555 $144,541 267,094 950
FPO 57 250 575 $41,574 39,317 851
MP40 70 525 1,170 $22,147 72,916 920
MP50 37 181 391 $6,736 26,922 901
FP40 5 12 27 $1,273 1,963 823
MP55 2 4 10 $0 683 897
MP60 11 50 106 $1,748 7,975 884
MP70 3 4 9 $140 605 885
MA1 133 1,868 4,046 $0 247,414 920
FA1 56 164 383 $0 28,113 808
MA2 143 2,474 5,127 $0 320,440 881
FA2 57 128 283 $0 20,303 752
MA3 138 2,673 5,244 $0 338,487 846
FA3 56 127 256 $0 20,636 684

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 80 80 $273 5,120 1
Alaska 1 32 64 $520 4,512 5
Alberta 2 62 165 $1,020 10,347 1
Arizona 1 99 196 $0 18,311 5
Arkansas 5 201 372 $3,676 22,278 14
British Columbia 3 162 405 $0 27,811 0
California 5 387 763 $8,716 49,243 30
Colorado 4 319 870 $0 56,930 15
Connecticut 1 77 153 $0 9,735 0
Delaware 1 35 69 $0 4,273 1
Florida 1 111 111 $0 7,312 2
Georgia 3 254 746 $1,426 45,450 13
Idaho 2 314 925 $14,685 57,086 46
Illinois 5 570 1,017 $3,468 60,886 24
Indiana 4 275 516 $1,855 33,457 6
Iowa 2 233 620 $101,396 37,688 231
Kentucky 3 212 413 $850 25,044 0
Maine 1 258 768 $0 47,199 31
Maryland 2 118 235 $0 14,623 3
Massachusetts 2 215 426 $4,150 26,750 5
Michigan 11 463 808 $4,605 50,694 22
Minnesota 8 366 720 $1,459 50,613 10
Mississippi 1 71 142 $0 8,258 3
Missouri 6 316 617 $3,369 36,101 16
Montana 1 31 62 $1,130 3,740 1
Nebraska 1 40 40 $50 2,219 1
Nevada 1 57 57 $0 3,706 1
New Brunswick 1 29 55 $0 3,809 0
New Jersey 3 136 222 $0 13,191 7
New Mexico 1 139 272 $0 23,415 7
New York 3 341 880 $1,795 57,084 35
North Carolina 9 659 1,294 $1,344 78,440 39
North Dakota 1 51 100 $0 6,411 0
Nova Scotia 1 29 58 $0 3,671 0
Ohio 2 308 827 $5,034 52,074 17
Oklahoma 5 224 459 $5,657 28,499 13
Ontario 2 271 854 $0 56,634 21
Oregon 4 215 420 $6,266 27,562 31
Pennsylvania 2 134 266 $462 17,440 2
Saskatchewan 1 111 328 $0 19,440 2
South Carolina 1 5 10 $96 593 0
South Dakota 1 122 242 $0 22,233 5
Tennessee 1 131 255 $1,564 15,256 4
Texas 19 946 1,129 $3,412 65,941 21
Utah 1 133 260 $0 17,658 0
Vermont 2 81 160 $0 10,834 2
Virginia 3 211 418 $3,205 24,271 11
Washington 4 322 639 $6,658 40,225 16
West Virginia 1 86 172 $305 12,101 1
Wisconsin 5 424 877 $5,264 52,611 27
Wyoming 2 13 20 $0 1,184 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 101 249 $276 16,900 4
Austria 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Canada 10 664 1,865 $1,020 121,712 24
Croatia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Czech Republic 1 75 223 $0 13,768 4
Denmark 4 156 295 $0 18,634 0
Estonia 2 209 515 $0 38,521 3
Finland 8 517 1,184 $9,864 73,230 32
France 2 55 142 $0 7,805 0
Iceland 3 87 117 $0 7,475 0
New Zealand 1 32 117 $0 3,249 0
Norway 5 351 713 $7,742 48,340 14
Sweden 12 882 1,730 $6,147 111,885 23
Thailand 1 25 47 $0 2,979 1
United Kingdom 3 131 414 $420 25,019 3
United States 143 9,815 19,712 $192,690 1,248,251 724