StatMando Monday

From Monday 2017-04-10 to Sunday 2017-04-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2017-04-10
(click to change weeks)
(3,324 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:52 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 37 752 1,951 $56,840 117,973 952
FPO 18 60 176 $6,289 11,568 870
MA1 44 803 1,739 $0 108,491 907
FA1 13 54 117 $0 7,521 803
MA2 34 569 1,177 $0 76,553 878
FA2 19 59 121 $0 9,246 755
MA3 25 332 718 $0 48,864 834
FA3 9 33 70 $0 5,418 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arkansas 2 125 435 $23,210 26,412 111
California 2 128 256 $2,385 16,928 9
Florida 1 17 34 $0 2,197 0
Illinois 1 286 851 $11,130 55,128 39
Kentucky 2 120 236 $2,385 18,123 2
Maryland 1 56 222 $799 13,271 5
Massachusetts 1 64 128 $1,146 7,995 1
Michigan 3 202 403 $3,662 27,490 13
Minnesota 1 100 196 $815 12,951 4
Mississippi 1 15 15 $135 979 0
Missouri 2 106 212 $886 13,450 2
Nebraska 1 34 68 $485 3,895 3
New York 1 69 136 $852 9,427 7
North Carolina 2 134 267 $1,115 17,005 10
Oregon 2 150 298 $1,005 18,937 8
Pennsylvania 3 209 418 $3,534 28,597 16
South Carolina 10 310 648 $0 39,691 13
South Dakota 1 43 86 $720 4,783 2
Texas 3 252 404 $7,312 24,849 12
Utah 1 54 54 $0 4,812 1
Virginia 2 66 132 $602 8,509 0
Washington 1 32 61 $0 3,959 0
Wisconsin 1 111 222 $1,400 15,754 2

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Czech Republic 1 40 80 $0 5,281 0
Finland 4 513 1,264 $7,899 80,695 28
Germany 1 30 89 $0 4,219 5
Iceland 1 9 18 $0 1,223 0
Japan 1 28 145 $896 5,852 0
Sweden 2 88 146 $653 9,319 3
United Kingdom 2 42 175 $978 11,022 4
United States 45 2,683 5,782 $63,578 375,142 260