StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-05-13 to Sunday 2019-05-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-05-13
(click to change weeks)
(7,267 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:01 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 87 1,517 3,624 $107,504 216,625 952
FPO 43 169 461 $15,027 32,291 854
MP40 55 496 1,234 $36,445 77,583 932
MP50 31 212 547 $16,254 34,729 911
FP40 2 6 21 $910 1,574 866
MP55 2 7 14 $341 893 927
MP60 13 50 135 $4,146 9,687 889
FP60 1 1 1 $28 67 847
MP70 1 1 3 $81 157 900
MA1 80 1,334 3,161 $0 200,686 915
FA1 37 117 264 $0 19,311 805
MA2 85 1,495 3,353 $0 212,257 882
FA2 33 102 220 $0 16,135 750
MA3 68 961 2,091 $0 136,878 846
FA3 23 60 130 $0 10,345 681

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 31 62 $720 3,206 1
Alberta 1 123 370 $2,487 23,897 9
Arizona 1 140 356 $7,535 23,004 17
British Columbia 1 26 51 $239 2,965 2
California 5 397 953 $57,654 61,668 182
Colorado 3 212 465 $7,416 27,925 13
Connecticut 1 43 82 $940 4,646 3
Florida 3 214 541 $3,093 31,593 13
Georgia 1 83 166 $1,175 11,255 6
Idaho 1 34 95 $1,633 7,029 3
Illinois 2 91 162 $800 8,977 1
Indiana 4 199 393 $2,521 26,058 10
Iowa 1 138 448 $4,795 28,434 32
Kansas 1 67 67 $131 4,219 4
Kentucky 1 27 50 $1,350 4,929 0
Maryland 1 69 135 $1,116 9,611 1
Michigan 3 259 626 $0 35,324 4
Minnesota 2 158 285 $0 27,920 0
Missouri 4 211 372 $3,114 22,686 7
Montana 1 68 136 $1,777 7,997 15
Nebraska 1 135 263 $2,899 16,816 10
Nevada 1 78 230 $2,157 13,402 4
New Hampshire 3 297 721 $112 45,236 0
New Jersey 1 70 139 $575 8,855 2
New Mexico 1 93 277 $3,710 18,342 12
New York 2 120 238 $1,021 15,518 2
North Carolina 2 169 506 $2,559 29,681 23
North Dakota 1 45 89 $535 7,503 0
Ohio 3 172 334 $3,525 21,635 8
Oklahoma 2 177 472 $694 28,836 6
Ontario 2 162 353 $2,254 22,276 11
Oregon 3 100 177 $790 11,206 3
Pennsylvania 4 283 693 $3,773 46,363 18
South Carolina 1 71 282 $9,178 16,253 59
South Dakota 1 23 68 $466 3,831 3
Tennessee 1 165 329 $4,495 21,447 15
Texas 6 334 710 $7,531 44,526 37
Utah 2 75 148 $985 9,229 4
Virginia 2 225 705 $805 41,409 11
Washington 2 270 534 $11,439 50,951 37
West Virginia 3 149 295 $2,010 18,455 9
Wisconsin 5 323 772 $7,296 47,551 17

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 26 78 $0 5,519 1
Canada 4 311 774 $4,980 49,138 22
Croatia 1 26 85 $0 5,668 0
Czech Republic 1 17 34 $0 1,975 0
Denmark 1 180 591 $6,119 34,338 43
Estonia 3 236 466 $1,200 29,816 4
Finland 5 412 943 $3,555 64,723 11
Germany 2 72 214 $0 9,687 9
Japan 1 29 126 $756 6,146 4
Latvia 1 25 48 $0 3,646 0
Netherlands 1 15 15 $0 1,155 0
Slovakia 1 13 26 $0 1,859 0
South Korea 1 43 80 $570 4,919 2
Sweden 7 423 843 $1,231 50,545 10
Thailand 1 13 26 $0 1,881 0
United Kingdom 1 28 56 $0 3,408 1
United States 83 5,815 13,376 $162,325 863,526 592