StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-07-31 to Sunday 2023-08-06, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-07-31
(click to change weeks)
(13,023 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-08-13 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 158 2,303 5,249 $193,756 280,005 951
FPO 52 275 814 $56,828 54,403 869
MP40 75 544 1,278 $40,101 72,858 924
MP50 41 181 396 $11,527 23,909 899
FP40 9 35 100 $2,655 6,943 818
FP50 5 9 17 $494 1,165 794
MP55 1 4 12 $348 767 930
MP60 18 64 165 $5,740 9,909 897
FP60 1 2 4 $110 260 757
MP70 2 2 3 $21 196 760
MA1 165 2,708 5,150 $0 229,601 905
FA1 73 216 453 $0 25,153 812
MA2 145 2,085 4,294 $0 232,490 888
FA2 58 160 353 $0 22,285 779
MA3 139 2,485 5,051 $0 297,323 854
FA3 44 117 243 $0 16,109 723

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 148 296 $645 11,114 4
Alberta 2 171 523 $8,842 24,398 10
Arizona 3 121 204 $208 10,532 0
Arkansas 4 144 256 $2,170 14,697 4
California 8 576 1,157 $8,988 67,802 33
Colorado 4 200 393 $6,739 25,906 16
Connecticut 4 130 197 $1,181 12,246 1
Florida 6 288 422 $1,833 21,907 9
Georgia 6 425 1,179 $1,651 64,859 14
Idaho 1 166 488 $14,114 29,307 48
Illinois 9 2,449 6,668 $162,712 406,760 423
Indiana 5 127 120 $110 2,298 2
Iowa 4 290 568 $1,654 15,247 12
Kansas 4 310 363 $835 14,795 4
Kentucky 7 375 755 $1,167 20,718 4
Louisiana 1 45 75 $0 0 2
Maine 2 76 152 $2,830 8,833 6
Maryland 2 37 37 $0 2,265 0
Massachusetts 5 272 390 $2,670 24,305 5
Michigan 5 246 204 $727 6,646 5
Minnesota 1 77 152 $335 8,571 2
Mississippi 3 128 202 $123 10,085 2
Missouri 3 136 142 $790 6,161 3
Montana 1 23 46 $1,280 2,652 0
Nebraska 1 7 19 $0 0 0
Nevada 1 40 26 $0 0 0
New Hampshire 2 66 125 $0 7,611 1
New Jersey 7 215 386 $1,842 20,066 6
New York 7 382 758 $5,476 41,708 11
North Carolina 7 479 770 $1,731 39,038 12
North Dakota 1 24 41 $0 3,415 2
Ohio 5 185 242 $765 13,100 4
Oklahoma 4 90 96 $98 6,019 3
Ontario 1 6 6 $34 307 0
Oregon 5 234 354 $963 20,366 3
Pennsylvania 7 345 781 $6,917 51,536 17
Quebec 3 41 36 $0 0 0
South Carolina 4 227 314 $40 7,322 2
South Dakota 1 6 18 $0 1,116 0
Tennessee 5 184 361 $296 11,657 4
Texas 19 925 1,404 $13,219 81,339 41
Utah 1 129 168 $0 0 0
Vermont 1 4 9 $0 0 0
Virginia 7 394 768 $4,515 38,151 26
Washington 3 263 587 $5,347 33,118 10
West Virginia 2 50 97 $0 3,055 0
Wisconsin 3 326 843 $5,657 50,160 17

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 70 135 $222 8,771 1
Belgium 1 60 116 $0 8,560 0
Canada 6 218 565 $8,876 24,705 10
Czech Republic 1 20 40 $0 2,862 0
Denmark 1 85 255 $1,967 15,871 5
Estonia 2 235 786 $10,766 49,280 38
Finland 5 440 1,118 $8,803 67,905 164
Germany 2 82 164 $0 9,273 10
Iceland 1 50 49 $0 3,330 0
Japan 1 53 234 $0 13,178 17
Latvia 1 162 484 $1,195 33,169 6
Lithuania 1 107 316 $2,591 21,116 0
Malaysia 1 32 120 $438 6,573 1
Netherlands 2 46 92 $0 5,363 1
New Zealand 1 70 140 $794 10,169 1
Norway 1 23 23 $0 1,555 0
Philippines 1 27 27 $0 1,980 0
Poland 2 60 111 $0 6,682 0
Spain 1 22 42 $0 2,858 0
Sweden 11 749 1,796 $16,031 108,411 67
United Kingdom 2 55 140 $303 8,700 0
United States 185 11,364 22,633 $259,628 1,216,483 758