StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-07-15 to Sunday 2024-07-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-07-15
(click to change weeks)
(13,565 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-07-28 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 173 2,281 5,078 $159,305 236,482 952
FPO 57 232 561 $34,229 35,886 869
MP40 89 608 1,273 $28,702 66,376 927
MP50 46 211 483 $8,427 26,302 909
FP40 8 17 39 $1,115 2,670 824
FP50 6 8 15 $213 1,050 817
MP55 2 4 9 $100 254 860
MP60 25 63 136 $3,279 8,198 901
FP60 1 1 2 $122 165 749
MP65 2 4 7 $144 399 881
MP70 4 12 35 $612 2,467 817
MA1 173 2,295 5,438 $0 197,891 908
FA1 69 177 406 $0 21,467 810
MA2 174 2,252 4,765 $0 237,864 890
FA2 57 163 371 $0 21,525 767
MA3 176 2,550 5,454 $0 274,290 851
FA3 71 157 292 $0 19,242 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 184 391 $3,582 15,106 6
Alaska 1 24 49 $495 3,082 3
Alberta 3 216 620 $562 38,219 10
Arizona 4 210 499 $2,995 7,716 13
Arkansas 2 103 178 $1,015 10,002 5
British Columbia 1 78 158 $90 11,612 0
California 8 735 1,961 $8,479 49,711 58
Colorado 6 364 675 $4,141 37,355 21
Connecticut 1 70 140 $812 8,433 0
Delaware 2 33 132 $0 8,809 3
Florida 3 115 116 $353 6,489 1
Georgia 8 543 931 $4,315 35,344 20
Idaho 1 45 46 $0 3,001 1
Illinois 9 461 892 $3,817 39,206 21
Indiana 7 408 797 $6,880 36,497 27
Iowa 6 265 371 $1,962 21,586 6
Kansas 5 227 752 $0 33,536 5
Kentucky 9 373 825 $899 25,719 10
Maryland 1 142 421 $8,336 27,542 27
Massachusetts 1 141 416 $8,886 24,502 35
Michigan 8 366 826 $5,168 43,276 32
Minnesota 3 528 1,033 $17,001 60,988 51
Mississippi 1 59 120 $453 7,297 1
Missouri 4 247 403 $3,407 23,422 9
Montana 4 152 478 $2,111 12,504 2
Nebraska 2 116 234 $3,533 15,594 5
Nevada 3 111 304 $108 4,185 2
New Jersey 1 72 144 $462 9,222 0
New York 5 267 537 $442 25,654 8
North Carolina 12 652 1,367 $1,038 50,423 19
North Dakota 1 22 128 $0 0 6
Nova Scotia 1 16 49 $0 2,902 0
Ohio 7 486 1,187 $4,761 74,085 36
Oklahoma 5 654 2,440 $2,522 140,730 86
Ontario 3 147 482 $399 32,289 9
Oregon 4 222 373 $1,890 24,081 8
Pennsylvania 5 241 517 $778 24,502 5
Saskatchewan 2 93 186 $0 11,328 1
South Carolina 5 337 904 $380 23,372 12
South Dakota 1 29 58 $535 3,180 0
Tennessee 7 468 716 $2,780 29,736 21
Texas 14 543 1,021 $2,544 38,270 17
Utah 1 48 98 $114 5,536 1
Vermont 1 45 87 $714 5,585 2
Virginia 5 168 383 $2,854 23,010 13
Washington 1 177 524 $8,950 31,602 45
West Virginia 3 115 147 $40 5,781 0
Wisconsin 8 536 1,094 $6,128 48,508 29
Wyoming 2 42 77 $0 3,956 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 1 13 25 $0 1,828 0
Australia 2 143 288 $424 22,662 1
Canada 10 550 1,495 $1,051 96,350 20
Czech Republic 3 163 410 $0 24,668 6
Denmark 2 164 257 $573 16,070 3
Estonia 1 387 1,137 $87 68,870 14
Finland 12 765 1,477 $104,252 89,606 315
Germany 1 59 170 $0 10,049 19
Iceland 2 63 84 $0 5,216 1
Italy 1 44 139 $0 10,036 3
Japan 2 109 386 $0 24,851 23
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Lithuania 1 77 155 $0 10,791 0
Mexico 1 16 17 $0 953 0
Netherlands 1 37 73 $0 3,739 0
Norway 2 129 262 $0 15,808 1
Sweden 14 928 1,773 $4,405 113,800 33
Uganda 1 6 8 $0 441 0
Ukraine 1 23 72 $238 4,612 0
United Kingdom 3 62 236 $0 4,817 3
United States 190 11,146 24,792 $125,680 1,128,135 672