StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-04-26 to Sunday 2021-05-02, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-04-26
(click to change weeks)
(9,722 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:09 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 88 1,385 2,871 $121,095 174,506 960
FPO 32 150 360 $20,234 25,753 873
MP40 54 422 772 $33,166 48,818 938
MP50 28 155 297 $14,584 18,778 926
FP40 6 13 28 $1,742 2,327 844
FP50 2 2 4 $0 305 849
MP55 2 7 13 $401 953 900
MP60 17 59 117 $6,005 8,041 908
FP60 1 2 4 $120 314 768
MA1 100 1,978 3,847 $0 249,486 921
FA1 44 162 323 $0 23,560 802
MA2 101 2,426 4,522 $0 289,705 887
FA2 52 177 363 $0 27,701 762
MA3 102 2,382 4,313 $0 285,772 844
FA3 45 93 164 $0 13,108 681

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 415 1,033 $12,879 62,523 36
Alaska 1 72 144 $812 8,990 2
Arkansas 1 95 189 $2,509 11,666 8
California 4 206 411 $2,610 25,382 11
Colorado 3 266 344 $2,477 24,976 8
Connecticut 1 60 119 $0 7,335 0
Georgia 1 85 169 $0 9,419 0
Idaho 1 66 132 $0 7,666 0
Illinois 3 377 896 $1,352 66,143 10
Indiana 3 186 367 $3,993 25,795 12
Iowa 2 174 347 $1,270 22,071 2
Kansas 21 2,805 5,114 $96,638 333,925 345
Kentucky 2 123 243 $1,100 16,699 2
Massachusetts 1 69 137 $620 10,285 5
Michigan 9 771 1,504 $8,151 100,796 31
Minnesota 4 301 531 $3,417 32,392 12
Mississippi 2 163 322 $1,630 20,145 8
Missouri 2 188 373 $0 25,766 1
New Hampshire 4 305 533 $4,255 35,196 11
New Jersey 1 145 419 $5,615 28,271 25
New York 2 150 295 $2,401 19,918 8
North Carolina 6 503 989 $6,978 61,793 28
Ohio 4 509 920 $638 60,465 3
Oklahoma 1 48 93 $520 5,814 1
Oregon 6 447 1,139 $6,021 70,029 33
Pennsylvania 3 295 588 $3,066 39,166 13
Prince Edward Island 1 35 70 $98 5,234 1
South Carolina 2 200 397 $1,930 23,890 19
Tennessee 2 133 200 $130 11,311 4
Texas 5 511 817 $8,304 56,236 23
Virginia 3 360 860 $2,201 51,915 14
Washington 1 229 442 $10,035 41,484 17
West Virginia 2 121 198 $2,846 12,428 5
Wisconsin 1 86 171 $0 9,132 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 35 70 $98 5,234 1
Croatia 1 30 97 $0 5,701 1
Denmark 2 151 365 $2,851 22,609 16
Finland 2 292 292 $0 21,696 0
Norway 2 72 134 $0 8,934 1
Sweden 6 581 716 $0 43,872 3
United Kingdom 1 51 101 $0 6,618 2
United States 107 10,464 20,436 $194,398 1,339,022 697