StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-05-07 to Sunday 2018-05-13, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-05-07
(click to change weeks)
(5,951 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 78 1,090 2,311 $45,226 136,634 936
FPO 72 256 551 $11,981 33,917 857
MP40 45 321 690 $11,065 43,179 909
MP50 16 86 195 $2,751 12,245 889
FP40 20 53 111 $3,213 6,673 850
FP50 16 19 38 $861 2,341 826
FP55 9 11 23 $390 1,304 846
MP60 9 28 66 $1,091 4,206 865
FP60 11 11 23 $346 1,498 812
MP65 1 1 2 $0 110 943
FP65 3 3 6 $30 521 632
MP70 2 5 10 $73 750 805
FP70 1 1 2 $50 136 713
MA1 65 772 1,538 $0 94,636 909
FA1 63 284 588 $0 36,853 823
MA2 61 737 1,458 $0 93,005 876
FA2 65 287 576 $0 37,999 767
MA3 63 879 1,777 $0 119,220 848
FA3 60 281 566 $0 39,331 715

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 26 49 $425 2,873 1
Alaska 2 34 63 $175 3,657 0
Alberta 1 24 48 $0 3,153 0
Arizona 1 46 86 $700 6,177 0
Arkansas 2 99 197 $1,270 12,422 3
British Columbia 1 10 20 $0 1,180 0
California 7 304 830 $13,646 50,884 64
Colorado 3 124 247 $1,160 14,356 1
Connecticut 2 115 230 $1,495 14,398 5
Florida 3 201 399 $2,179 23,134 11
Georgia 4 172 358 $1,856 23,808 6
Idaho 2 93 198 $1,663 11,639 11
Illinois 4 360 712 $9,142 54,186 30
Indiana 1 74 147 $910 11,090 1
Iowa 1 20 39 $85 2,335 0
Kansas 1 60 120 $583 8,160 0
Kentucky 1 38 75 $50 4,439 0
Louisiana 1 45 86 $440 5,902 3
Maine 1 27 54 $252 3,425 0
Massachusetts 2 63 126 $783 8,194 3
Michigan 5 258 511 $2,898 31,490 13
Minnesota 1 29 56 $50 3,581 0
Mississippi 1 37 72 $695 3,979 6
Missouri 2 196 385 $2,726 26,146 5
Montana 1 6 11 $55 520 0
New Jersey 1 34 65 $395 4,764 0
New Mexico 1 8 16 $750 1,039 1
New York 4 179 356 $2,579 23,650 8
North Carolina 2 72 231 $522 14,235 8
Ohio 7 259 550 $3,521 34,050 8
Oklahoma 2 52 90 $513 6,160 0
Ontario 2 98 122 $435 7,924 0
Oregon 3 104 195 $54 12,242 0
Pennsylvania 2 80 158 $90 11,058 0
South Carolina 2 47 94 $0 5,531 0
South Dakota 1 18 18 $250 1,517 0
Tennessee 2 76 151 $980 9,700 0
Texas 7 344 619 $3,510 37,743 10
Utah 1 31 62 $500 3,738 0
Vermont 1 72 144 $809 8,228 1
Virginia 2 130 249 $1,905 16,856 6
Washington 3 73 140 $365 9,030 1
West Virginia 3 78 156 $1,082 9,582 0
Wisconsin 4 154 295 $2,315 19,370 10

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 68 173 $638 11,471 1
Canada 4 132 190 $435 12,257 0
Croatia 1 29 55 $0 3,203 0
Czech Republic 1 69 233 $282 14,184 3
Denmark 1 33 95 $576 5,394 4
Estonia 3 218 431 $1,215 29,650 2
Finland 12 652 1,272 $5,571 83,263 12
Germany 1 27 81 $0 3,371 2
Japan 1 9 18 $0 951 0
Latvia 1 21 42 $0 2,844 0
Lithuania 1 30 60 $0 4,249 2
Netherlands 1 29 54 $0 3,183 2
Norway 4 165 412 $2,012 25,383 3
Slovakia 1 23 46 $0 3,974 1
Sweden 10 531 991 $2,970 61,249 20
United States 97 4,238 8,640 $63,378 555,288 216