StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-10-29 to Sunday 2018-11-04, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-10-29
(click to change weeks)
(3,361 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:59 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 52 697 1,775 $49,873 101,392 954
FPO 23 65 175 $5,994 11,046 863
MP40 27 173 484 $14,145 28,369 934
MP50 17 85 241 $6,389 14,169 920
FP40 2 8 19 $1,034 1,350 810
FP50 2 5 11 $775 777 826
MP55 2 3 5 $198 305 893
MP60 8 34 89 $2,587 5,413 873
MA1 46 547 1,348 $0 79,328 918
FA1 17 52 139 $0 9,851 811
MA2 46 585 1,528 $0 93,528 886
FA2 22 61 155 $0 12,026 755
MA3 45 470 1,089 $0 71,755 843
FA3 13 29 71 $0 5,928 722

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 70 131 $2,869 9,589 0
Arkansas 1 49 144 $1,072 8,138 1
British Columbia 1 69 128 $1,008 8,002 1
California 2 165 660 $10,100 37,600 53
Colorado 2 29 58 $757 3,175 5
Delaware 2 80 139 $570 9,001 3
Florida 3 102 201 $5,475 11,780 19
Georgia 3 190 418 $3,948 28,446 23
Illinois 1 10 20 $0 1,400 0
Indiana 1 138 275 $3,050 16,299 12
Iowa 2 85 167 $611 10,006 2
Kansas 1 75 150 $1,190 8,629 6
Kentucky 1 58 116 $0 7,395 0
Louisiana 1 92 269 $1,645 16,029 6
Maine 1 65 129 $300 7,867 4
Michigan 1 83 164 $555 10,010 3
Missouri 2 112 223 $2,210 13,590 5
Nebraska 1 31 31 $160 2,726 0
New Hampshire 2 21 20 $179 1,247 1
New Mexico 1 66 197 $2,188 12,426 6
New York 1 69 128 $1,202 8,548 8
North Carolina 2 149 382 $3,235 24,308 20
Ohio 1 22 63 $43 2,815 0
Oklahoma 1 99 277 $5,640 17,662 36
Oregon 1 16 32 $0 1,995 0
Pennsylvania 3 96 188 $1,781 11,015 8
South Carolina 2 119 369 $1,825 21,281 13
Tennessee 2 170 439 $5,400 24,781 11
Texas 4 168 275 $2,750 17,146 13
Utah 1 131 458 $5,556 32,875 9
Virginia 2 191 901 $8,901 56,980 47
Washington 1 137 405 $3,601 24,240 19
West Virginia 1 10 20 $279 1,128 3
Wisconsin 1 30 60 $1,066 3,134 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belgium 1 17 31 $0 1,878 1
Canada 1 69 128 $1,008 8,002 1
Croatia 1 66 206 $0 12,486 12
Finland 3 138 270 $758 16,613 0
Netherlands 1 46 91 $0 5,991 0
Spain 1 101 302 $810 18,955 4
Sweden 1 48 96 $281 6,041 2
United Kingdom 1 30 59 $0 3,695 4
United States 53 2,949 7,548 $78,158 465,344 341