StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-07-04 to Sunday 2016-07-10, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-07-04
(click to change weeks)
(3,290 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:50 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 50 1,030 2,979 $67,875 168,059 937
FPO 32 117 338 $7,218 22,337 830
MA1 38 523 1,323 $0 80,185 907
FA1 20 60 147 $0 10,819 774
MA2 39 534 1,285 $0 80,745 874
FA2 17 35 93 $0 6,864 739
MA3 28 273 643 $0 41,018 835
FA3 16 38 71 $0 5,731 698

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alaska 1 50 172 $1,852 10,692 3
California 1 113 553 $9,906 33,887 67
Colorado 2 102 307 $2,917 20,511 10
Florida 1 127 504 $5,565 31,224 20
Georgia 2 107 418 $4,413 22,996 28
Indiana 2 75 150 $940 9,577 1
Iowa 2 109 217 $370 12,937 3
Kansas 1 23 92 $1,641 5,495 10
Kentucky 2 74 207 $440 11,946 0
Maine 1 28 56 $580 3,961 0
Massachusetts 2 112 222 $377 13,425 8
Michigan 4 177 352 $2,795 20,992 7
Minnesota 2 82 163 $1,725 8,883 9
Missouri 1 78 156 $2,001 9,592 6
Montana 1 56 112 $835 6,429 3
Nebraska 1 17 34 $100 2,184 0
New Jersey 1 59 118 $450 7,310 2
New York 2 92 212 $3,254 13,534 5
North Carolina 2 136 444 $1,410 26,535 13
Ohio 2 165 328 $3,592 24,323 14
Oklahoma 1 58 222 $2,340 11,655 5
Pennsylvania 2 97 194 $1,486 11,557 12
Prince Edward Island 1 43 172 $2,600 12,906 1
South Dakota 1 19 56 $435 4,051 1
Tennessee 1 47 93 $1,456 5,138 3
Texas 3 159 275 $2,060 16,368 12
Virginia 1 80 160 $2,080 10,091 5
Wisconsin 1 196 690 $36,227 40,734 148

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 33 103 $0 7,205 0
Canada 1 43 172 $2,600 12,906 1
Croatia 1 21 61 $0 3,828 0
Estonia 1 32 106 $298 5,785 0
Finland 6 572 1,473 $2,129 92,049 11
Germany 3 125 386 $759 21,412 13
Slovenia 1 24 93 $0 4,910 0
Sweden 2 101 207 $1,425 11,893 6
United Kingdom 1 12 24 $0 1,623 1
United States 43 2,438 6,507 $91,247 396,027 395