StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-08-12 to Sunday 2024-08-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-08-12
(click to change weeks)
(12,578 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-08-25 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 184 2,322 5,186 $109,655 258,832 942
FPO 77 248 567 $13,260 37,075 844
MP40 98 723 1,723 $41,195 92,453 911
MP50 49 261 580 $13,035 35,192 892
FP40 13 29 57 $1,438 4,115 790
FP50 9 13 31 $608 2,018 817
MP55 3 34 94 $2,044 6,921 846
MP60 20 78 185 $5,755 12,248 886
FP60 1 3 9 $1,025 564 825
MP65 1 1 2 $0 125 795
MP70 3 4 7 $189 534 866
MA1 166 1,966 4,632 $0 193,877 909
FA1 63 165 359 $0 19,700 809
MA2 166 1,870 3,937 $0 189,517 885
FA2 49 128 303 $0 16,695 759
MA3 172 2,496 4,991 $0 266,404 853
FA3 55 126 265 $0 17,780 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 5 179 293 $116 16,696 3
Alberta 2 100 294 $2,779 19,411 1
Arizona 3 128 198 $396 12,876 1
Arkansas 2 160 160 $403 9,384 0
British Columbia 3 109 342 $0 21,356 2
California 6 426 1,040 $4,749 58,353 27
Colorado 9 551 1,548 $774 26,543 26
Connecticut 1 31 94 $0 0 1
Florida 2 60 163 $30 2,242 4
Georgia 7 334 738 $340 30,118 9
Idaho 4 307 846 $14,815 41,467 26
Illinois 7 365 802 $10,745 49,907 50
Indiana 6 366 703 $806 37,315 11
Iowa 7 356 699 $808 28,290 12
Kansas 2 147 297 $384 16,741 8
Kentucky 6 273 538 $3,705 32,567 22
Louisiana 1 71 143 $885 9,864 3
Maine 3 128 198 $1,065 11,820 7
Manitoba 1 59 120 $364 6,776 2
Massachusetts 1 84 245 $0 14,991 5
Michigan 9 353 1,009 $772 16,039 17
Minnesota 5 385 977 $16,347 55,730 63
Missouri 3 165 203 $648 12,960 3
Nebraska 1 141 416 $0 26,589 15
Nevada 3 100 135 $187 4,099 1
New Brunswick 3 133 294 $0 6,868 3
New Jersey 3 100 199 $0 10,295 3
New Mexico 1 64 65 $2,520 5,709 2
New York 4 224 437 $1,398 14,541 3
North Carolina 7 452 662 $3,787 37,891 13
North Dakota 1 20 42 $0 2,744 0
Ohio 8 414 1,074 $23,894 48,375 52
Oklahoma 6 245 340 $1,856 23,073 3
Ontario 2 192 582 $6,211 37,541 23
Oregon 3 159 241 $627 14,513 1
Pennsylvania 3 205 440 $2,788 23,706 12
Quebec 1 5 42 $0 0 0
Saskatchewan 1 89 264 $0 16,029 4
South Carolina 4 157 307 $81 6,541 3
South Dakota 2 74 298 $360 7,167 12
Tennessee 5 352 642 $6,214 37,185 29
Texas 12 444 678 $3,763 37,912 21
Utah 1 23 24 $0 1,860 0
Vermont 2 21 52 $678 2,793 0
Virginia 7 322 559 $4,150 40,804 4
Washington 4 364 995 $5,474 37,946 21
West Virginia 1 200 593 $23,231 36,395 46
Wisconsin 4 295 588 $3,436 38,058 13

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 114 229 $243 13,805 2
Belize 1 24 48 $200 3,261 2
Canada 13 687 1,938 $9,354 107,981 35
Czech Republic 1 103 311 $0 20,542 4
Denmark 2 202 491 $295 31,875 2
Estonia 2 95 125 $0 8,053 5
Finland 15 879 1,871 $3,084 99,882 66
France 1 49 147 $866 9,973 3
Iceland 4 59 89 $0 5,093 0
Japan 2 91 252 $1,367 14,463 12
Latvia 2 100 297 $3,556 18,694 6
Lithuania 1 56 114 $1,104 7,599 1
Montenegro 1 10 10 $0 592 0
Norway 6 513 1,124 $8,513 75,239 3
Poland 1 55 156 $2,058 9,661 0
Slovenia 1 37 111 $0 7,475 7
Sweden 19 1,176 2,253 $12,011 140,448 50
Switzerland 1 81 235 $3,179 15,441 13
United Kingdom 1 61 123 $142 8,012 1
United States 171 9,245 19,681 $142,232 942,099 552