StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-12-05 to Sunday 2022-12-11, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-12-05
(click to change weeks)
(5,267 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-12-18 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 69 704 1,293 $39,865 74,830 945
FPO 21 59 133 $3,846 8,556 860
MP40 40 266 518 $16,046 30,747 927
MP50 19 91 188 $7,864 11,771 917
FP50 1 1 3 $155 220 709
MP60 10 19 42 $1,067 2,598 871
FP60 1 2 6 $310 373 837
MP70 1 1 2 $41 133 772
MA1 79 797 1,405 $0 84,393 911
FA1 32 67 121 $0 8,545 782
MA2 75 867 1,478 $0 90,622 885
FA2 28 65 123 $0 8,678 754
MA3 76 1,109 1,999 $0 124,871 846
FA3 29 54 104 $0 7,623 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 182 331 $3,717 18,787 14
Arizona 2 236 386 $9,435 27,955 36
Arkansas 3 83 114 $255 6,515 1
California 4 147 189 $2,783 12,261 1
Colorado 1 90 90 $825 5,011 0
Delaware 2 122 241 $2,615 17,665 7
Florida 8 730 1,567 $19,317 96,854 48
Georgia 4 308 724 $3,147 44,445 19
Indiana 3 167 202 $677 11,808 4
Kentucky 1 38 76 $0 4,667 0
Louisiana 2 141 280 $1,839 17,437 10
Minnesota 1 82 82 $380 4,832 1
Mississippi 2 128 245 $1,066 14,871 4
Missouri 1 62 62 $50 4,126 2
Nevada 1 88 176 $0 11,822 0
North Carolina 8 531 928 $3,484 57,787 15
Ohio 3 173 346 $1,140 20,705 5
Oklahoma 5 287 498 $3,585 30,705 13
Oregon 2 72 142 $1,145 8,824 13
Pennsylvania 2 67 74 $201 6,187 0
South Carolina 3 157 311 $824 19,878 5
Tennessee 3 211 418 $2,846 22,952 5
Texas 12 547 811 $7,167 47,945 17
Virginia 5 281 519 $1,635 33,402 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Belize 1 18 36 $250 2,146 1
Colombia 1 29 29 $0 2,211 0
Denmark 2 161 242 $0 16,598 0
Estonia 2 61 120 $0 6,580 0
Finland 2 98 165 $0 9,583 1
France 3 83 205 $0 11,888 2
Germany 1 40 76 $0 4,621 1
Malaysia 1 16 31 $122 2,151 0
Mexico 1 24 46 $0 2,957 0
Netherlands 1 29 58 $0 2,626 0
New Zealand 1 42 123 $1,089 7,845 1
Sweden 1 19 37 $0 2,422 0
United States 81 4,930 8,812 $68,133 547,441 226