StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-10-14 to Sunday 2019-10-20, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-10-14
(click to change weeks)
(5,069 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:03 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 89 1,001 2,228 $102,503 125,771 948
FPO 35 108 241 $21,601 14,369 858
MP40 47 301 710 $20,530 42,895 921
MP50 27 112 254 $8,193 15,094 928
FP40 3 4 17 $130 1,197 718
FP50 1 2 4 $90 283 764
MP55 1 3 6 $145 400 959
MP60 11 41 116 $1,795 6,412 881
MP65 1 1 2 $55 119 855
MA1 83 946 2,187 $0 132,575 922
FA1 37 87 196 $0 14,618 786
MA2 80 974 2,197 $0 139,230 883
FA2 26 65 156 $0 11,437 748
MA3 67 743 1,640 $0 107,914 841
FA3 22 61 133 $0 10,502 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 27 54 $315 3,412 3
Arizona 1 84 165 $1,122 10,007 9
Arkansas 1 64 128 $1,310 7,016 3
British Columbia 1 74 137 $272 9,247 7
California 3 299 743 $12,825 43,185 36
Colorado 3 152 449 $2,384 25,590 14
Connecticut 1 52 156 $6,218 10,334 6
Florida 1 79 229 $390 14,182 1
Georgia 1 75 222 $2,835 16,669 5
Idaho 1 71 245 $4,970 15,079 21
Illinois 1 11 22 $0 1,217 0
Indiana 5 284 562 $2,421 36,665 19
Iowa 3 133 265 $1,460 15,208 13
Kentucky 4 150 297 $3,169 18,682 14
Louisiana 1 56 108 $863 6,682 5
Maryland 1 63 122 $1,125 7,964 4
Massachusetts 1 34 34 $108 2,248 0
Michigan 4 282 557 $4,504 33,608 16
Minnesota 1 16 29 $55 1,537 0
Mississippi 2 122 233 $2,873 16,317 6
Missouri 2 111 222 $2,091 12,819 7
Nebraska 1 36 72 $150 4,103 2
New Jersey 1 64 127 $1,945 9,092 5
New Mexico 1 32 96 $960 5,913 3
New York 2 146 508 $0 32,717 6
North Carolina 4 272 628 $51,362 34,600 30
North Dakota 2 28 56 $850 4,325 3
Ohio 4 67 78 $112 5,218 1
Oklahoma 1 161 476 $10,392 28,869 43
Ontario 1 73 144 $606 9,154 5
Oregon 3 97 192 $1,713 11,943 9
Pennsylvania 3 218 426 $2,775 29,703 12
Quebec 3 128 259 $8,911 16,806 5
South Carolina 2 147 421 $6,309 29,016 26
Tennessee 1 167 328 $3,485 19,583 15
Texas 5 386 986 $5,173 55,685 32
Utah 1 83 240 $624 15,109 5
Virginia 2 106 212 $2,730 15,085 5
Washington 3 124 210 $1,430 14,101 7
West Virginia 1 46 92 $825 6,959 2
Wisconsin 4 161 318 $2,140 19,650 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 28 56 $103 3,989 0
Austria 1 21 41 $0 2,781 0
Belgium 1 24 46 $0 3,087 4
Canada 5 275 540 $9,789 35,207 17
China 1 9 18 $0 1,218 0
Czech Republic 1 71 211 $0 13,434 6
Finland 6 177 340 $421 21,974 2
Germany 1 30 59 $0 3,547 5
Hungary 1 22 59 $0 4,224 3
Japan 1 17 82 $176 4,499 1
Lithuania 1 29 57 $243 3,672 0
Netherlands 1 23 45 $0 1,936 1
Norway 2 75 148 $297 9,337 3
Switzerland 1 28 84 $0 3,756 9
United Kingdom 1 33 66 $0 4,256 0
United States 79 4,506 10,308 $144,013 640,092 395