StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-01-15 to Sunday 2024-01-21, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-01-15
(click to change weeks)
(3,860 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-01-28 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 60 709 1,332 $43,147 80,041 950
FPO 22 70 161 $6,515 11,027 860
MP40 34 199 386 $11,942 24,404 924
MP50 14 90 208 $6,399 13,100 905
FP40 1 1 2 $15 132 863
FP50 2 4 5 $232 471 793
MP60 7 30 55 $1,837 3,755 886
MA1 55 598 1,067 $0 67,098 911
FA1 24 65 127 $0 9,745 792
MA2 52 572 928 $0 59,382 879
FA2 21 51 97 $0 7,473 752
MA3 49 666 1,101 $0 70,490 844
FA3 18 52 92 $0 7,297 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 113 210 $302 12,577 1
Arizona 1 166 423 $17,040 27,458 53
British Columbia 1 20 33 $34 1,635 0
California 3 94 92 $1,560 8,145 4
Colorado 1 56 56 $0 2,881 0
Delaware 3 29 51 $258 3,215 2
Florida 4 369 879 $7,761 53,375 37
Georgia 1 97 192 $1,648 12,628 6
Hawaii 1 92 183 $2,895 17,704 5
Indiana 1 48 95 $263 5,219 0
Kansas 1 55 55 $196 3,822 1
Kentucky 1 77 144 $333 8,519 2
Maryland 1 43 43 $56 2,862 0
Michigan 1 37 73 $73 4,173 0
Missouri 2 70 114 $738 6,666 3
North Carolina 7 499 787 $5,848 49,133 26
Ohio 4 287 335 $1,385 23,918 4
Oregon 3 119 224 $966 13,427 10
South Carolina 3 224 402 $746 27,847 5
Texas 10 405 555 $10,910 39,375 30
Utah 2 153 250 $866 12,130 5
Virginia 2 111 222 $570 14,481 1
Washington 2 140 279 $5,657 17,521 12
Wyoming 1 21 21 $216 1,490 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 121 258 $1,009 17,129 2
Canada 1 20 33 $34 1,635 0
Colombia 1 13 39 $0 2,921 0
Croatia 1 36 72 $0 3,861 0
Denmark 1 75 72 $0 5,074 0
Finland 1 50 50 $0 2,870 1
France 2 72 142 $0 10,466 2
New Zealand 3 228 499 $3,951 33,051 8
Panama 1 6 5 $0 295 0
Serbia 1 19 38 $0 2,202 0
Spain 1 16 32 $0 1,727 0
Sweden 1 19 19 $0 1,265 0
Taiwan 1 66 210 $4,791 11,902 16
Thailand 1 17 34 $15 1,694 0
United States 58 3,305 5,685 $60,287 368,566 207