StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-09-20 to Sunday 2021-09-26, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-09-20
(click to change weeks)
(8,896 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:13 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 110 1,649 3,887 $156,820 229,279 947
FPO 48 163 427 $27,180 28,456 866
MP40 61 451 1,082 $30,728 66,122 925
MP50 39 215 536 $15,191 34,111 909
FP40 8 19 49 $1,478 3,236 823
FP50 2 2 7 $120 399 852
MP55 1 1 1 $21 51 931
FP55 1 1 2 $94 198 789
MP60 16 59 150 $4,658 9,576 864
MP70 1 1 3 $0 171 759
MA1 105 1,307 2,887 $0 175,556 919
FA1 44 131 281 $0 19,164 801
MA2 111 1,751 3,760 $0 231,494 885
FA2 53 141 338 $0 23,565 769
MA3 107 1,711 3,597 $0 231,598 843
FA3 50 119 259 $0 19,532 686

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 89 178 $306 10,606 5
Alberta 1 10 20 $0 1,313 0
Arizona 2 122 410 $0 23,936 3
Arkansas 3 170 373 $2,856 21,655 8
British Columbia 1 102 300 $2,880 18,807 6
California 3 215 415 $5,386 32,948 15
Colorado 6 140 178 $1,693 10,565 5
Delaware 1 43 86 $300 5,453 3
Florida 1 130 256 $755 14,919 5
Georgia 1 55 109 $0 6,295 0
Hawaii 1 35 69 $446 4,215 0
Idaho 1 51 102 $0 5,826 0
Illinois 2 198 389 $1,992 21,839 9
Indiana 4 246 603 $3,210 39,500 7
Iowa 3 197 393 $1,298 22,824 8
Kansas 3 123 244 $1,035 15,657 5
Kentucky 3 163 325 $1,096 22,370 5
Louisiana 1 63 125 $133 7,536 0
Manitoba 1 90 211 $2,340 13,454 1
Maryland 1 110 323 $0 18,039 0
Massachusetts 4 134 268 $1,218 17,264 7
Michigan 9 428 856 $3,300 49,793 25
Missouri 5 524 1,314 $19,273 85,602 43
Montana 2 28 56 $865 3,448 2
Nebraska 1 42 84 $550 5,864 3
Nevada 1 78 155 $0 9,790 0
New Brunswick 1 37 69 $187 4,393 1
New Hampshire 4 294 722 $10,625 44,078 13
New Jersey 2 131 361 $3,222 23,237 8
New York 3 153 293 $2,573 22,070 2
North Carolina 9 433 721 $1,938 43,418 11
Ohio 5 367 707 $2,699 49,442 9
Ontario 3 155 223 $543 13,518 4
Oregon 2 79 232 $1,555 15,219 9
Pennsylvania 7 368 703 $4,954 46,947 11
South Carolina 1 81 158 $460 10,748 1
South Dakota 1 40 118 $1,990 7,381 5
Tennessee 2 700 2,133 $86,513 124,199 242
Texas 11 490 839 $4,911 51,837 20
Utah 2 107 270 $9,042 14,818 13
Virginia 3 263 661 $12,759 42,839 33
Washington 4 279 559 $5,251 34,411 22
West Virginia 1 79 157 $1,188 10,135 6
Wisconsin 5 545 1,290 $18,178 80,260 66

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 64 128 $0 8,906 2
Canada 7 394 823 $5,950 51,485 12
Croatia 2 62 198 $1,687 12,631 13
Czech Republic 1 28 53 $0 3,475 0
Estonia 1 84 165 $0 9,769 1
Finland 8 455 918 $7,595 62,958 31
France 1 54 160 $0 10,664 5
Germany 4 149 443 $1,211 26,141 4
Norway 5 209 490 $5,826 30,358 9
Sweden 4 161 315 $800 21,345 6
Switzerland 2 71 211 $0 9,735 8
United Kingdom 3 85 290 $130 16,516 4
United States 123 7,793 17,235 $213,570 1,076,983 629