StatMando Monday

From Monday 2020-10-12 to Sunday 2020-10-18, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2020-10-12
(click to change weeks)
(6,823 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:07 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 84 1,327 2,731 $145,068 158,254 947
FPO 29 122 274 $60,476 16,303 849
MP40 44 365 801 $21,149 48,839 924
MP50 26 146 346 $7,968 20,245 915
FP40 5 9 17 $425 1,141 814
MP55 2 10 16 $700 983 914
MP60 12 37 90 $1,896 5,733 864
MP65 1 3 5 $255 288 834
MP70 1 3 9 $261 621 832
FP70 1 2 4 $90 358 513
MA1 76 1,184 2,534 $0 159,121 915
FA1 40 111 230 $0 16,279 801
MA2 75 1,407 2,744 $0 173,649 885
FA2 34 109 213 $0 15,739 765
MA3 63 1,152 2,178 $0 144,688 842
FA3 29 95 193 $0 14,709 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 46 46 $0 1,740 0
Arizona 1 128 256 $2,572 16,880 12
California 2 279 690 $11,990 38,882 52
Colorado 2 185 527 $0 30,418 1
Florida 1 111 221 $1,301 17,130 7
Georgia 4 230 441 $3,785 33,977 12
Illinois 2 195 383 $1,950 25,068 12
Indiana 3 255 505 $1,696 34,130 10
Iowa 3 206 345 $1,743 21,150 7
Kansas 4 337 513 $1,609 34,913 7
Kentucky 1 49 97 $177 5,830 3
Michigan 7 452 892 $2,786 53,267 18
Minnesota 1 72 142 $905 9,937 1
Mississippi 2 172 442 $7,691 31,219 38
Missouri 5 606 1,040 $15,527 70,612 41
Nebraska 2 110 220 $1,762 13,868 5
New Hampshire 1 33 33 $0 2,193 0
New York 2 128 381 $645 24,627 7
North Carolina 2 125 221 $131,151 8,624 24
Ohio 1 89 172 $1,125 9,253 4
Oklahoma 2 157 313 $3,105 19,187 12
Oregon 4 219 423 $6,561 27,113 32
Pennsylvania 4 352 701 $1,923 48,483 8
Prince Edward Island 1 39 78 $114 4,432 0
Rhode Island 1 63 124 $1,615 8,108 5
South Carolina 1 92 180 $305 12,564 3
South Dakota 1 64 128 $955 7,677 3
Tennessee 6 514 854 $7,000 50,921 34
Texas 4 401 1,049 $11,302 65,030 53
Utah 1 156 304 $2,760 19,870 18
Vermont 1 56 111 $588 6,824 3
Washington 1 140 411 $5,315 24,408 32
West Virginia 1 153 304 $1,864 17,570 3
Wisconsin 3 213 424 $4,494 28,655 13

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 33 66 $291 4,468 0
Belgium 1 19 36 $0 2,404 2
Canada 1 39 78 $114 4,432 0
Croatia 1 25 63 $0 3,720 0
Denmark 1 66 128 $0 7,539 1
Finland 3 251 327 $325 22,897 1
France 2 56 140 $65 9,433 1
Germany 3 149 405 $0 22,278 9
Hungary 1 23 90 $0 5,505 0
Lithuania 1 41 81 $641 5,555 0
Norway 2 73 240 $0 15,732 3
Sweden 6 219 435 $735 27,646 6
Switzerland 1 55 162 $0 8,162 16
United States 77 6,388 12,893 $236,202 820,128 480