StatMando Monday

From Monday 2016-04-18 to Sunday 2016-04-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2016-04-18
(click to change weeks)
(4,319 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:49 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 43 1,155 3,093 $74,508 196,085 934
FPO 22 94 271 $8,209 19,135 836
MA1 39 769 2,125 $0 135,766 912
FA1 18 66 187 $0 13,002 804
MA2 36 877 2,454 $0 163,135 877
FA2 15 59 184 $0 14,293 744
MA3 24 513 1,642 $0 101,896 849
FA3 12 41 140 $0 11,012 690

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 46 92 $1,580 9,063 13
British Columbia 1 9 18 $135 1,028 1
California 2 119 348 $1,990 20,521 12
Colorado 1 85 254 $2,405 15,578 12
Connecticut 2 105 210 $1,696 13,673 1
Florida 1 92 266 $0 21,071 1
Georgia 2 110 350 $4,663 20,935 18
Idaho 1 52 103 $495 6,177 1
Iowa 1 267 796 $11,306 65,631 29
Kentucky 2 901 3,396 $0 194,166 28
Maine 1 62 138 $1,303 7,399 1
Maryland 1 64 197 $4,355 14,536 13
Michigan 1 243 722 $7,254 52,376 23
Minnesota 2 162 324 $1,625 22,852 5
Mississippi 1 36 71 $350 4,398 0
Missouri 1 55 110 $1,112 6,484 0
Nebraska 1 71 207 $3,460 13,245 11
Nevada 1 88 170 $1,600 15,937 3
New Jersey 1 17 34 $105 2,207 0
New Mexico 1 45 180 $827 11,073 8
New York 1 31 62 $151 3,978 0
North Carolina 2 85 187 $1,153 10,501 2
North Dakota 1 22 61 $580 4,486 2
Ontario 1 102 352 $2,465 22,161 3
Oregon 1 134 395 $4,120 20,632 24
Pennsylvania 3 173 344 $1,695 21,416 15
Rhode Island 1 59 116 $845 7,617 0
Texas 2 191 568 $28,715 37,352 69
Utah 1 50 100 $1,233 7,212 1
Washington 3 189 373 $1,936 28,918 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 47 132 $0 8,944 2
Canada 2 111 370 $2,600 23,189 4
Finland 1 264 514 $6,358 40,110 18
Germany 1 50 178 $0 10,285 1
Lithuania 1 69 233 $775 15,427 0
Norway 1 131 485 $5,285 27,422 8
South Korea 1 18 56 $226 3,016 2
Sweden 2 112 239 $583 13,144 3
Switzerland 1 53 158 $1,483 9,828 5
United Kingdom 2 39 123 $0 7,928 0
United States 39 3,554 10,174 $86,554 659,434 295