StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-11-11 to Sunday 2024-11-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-11-11
(click to change weeks)
(7,245 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-11-24 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 111 1,186 2,435 $57,830 134,022 953
FPO 40 161 342 $8,823 22,785 861
MP40 55 345 726 $23,241 43,573 932
MP50 36 135 303 $10,490 19,501 907
FP40 9 26 56 $1,315 3,886 830
FP50 3 9 19 $609 1,234 853
MP55 3 9 21 $741 1,558 922
FP55 1 3 6 $0 444 763
MP60 19 68 158 $4,745 9,979 895
FP60 4 7 12 $236 830 796
MP70 4 13 38 $1,297 2,238 853
MA1 115 1,101 2,095 $0 105,292 911
FA1 50 137 290 $0 18,560 814
MA2 105 1,069 2,008 $0 121,211 888
FA2 34 100 200 $0 13,689 767
MA3 107 1,204 2,291 $0 138,303 852
FA3 35 96 185 $0 12,570 725

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 169 405 $1,820 21,098 11
Arizona 2 156 369 $0 15,371 5
Arkansas 1 74 75 $118 6,329 2
British Columbia 3 149 292 $307 19,526 7
California 4 211 482 $15,433 26,992 37
Colorado 1 43 44 $0 2,351 1
Florida 4 257 587 $24,523 42,715 101
Georgia 6 314 448 $2,077 27,137 10
Illinois 2 86 92 $0 4,736 2
Indiana 7 222 439 $2,230 24,601 5
Iowa 1 29 60 $416 3,404 1
Kansas 4 317 469 $2,448 26,803 10
Kentucky 5 176 290 $709 18,185 1
Louisiana 4 137 323 $0 10,388 2
Maryland 2 89 200 $270 6,965 2
Michigan 2 116 233 $1,369 12,819 13
Minnesota 3 72 88 $264 6,230 0
Mississippi 1 63 128 $530 7,411 3
Missouri 2 164 245 $2,561 14,506 7
Montana 2 35 124 $59 584 0
Nebraska 1 43 43 $280 3,392 1
Nevada 2 140 280 $893 18,097 3
New Hampshire 1 89 178 $2,650 10,399 8
New Mexico 2 144 251 $5,826 18,012 7
North Carolina 18 709 1,144 $7,650 68,077 47
Ohio 3 132 299 $422 12,580 19
Oklahoma 1 184 360 $6,386 22,524 14
Oregon 2 129 260 $0 17,624 13
Pennsylvania 4 218 377 $237 24,932 1
South Carolina 3 166 354 $0 14,331 2
South Dakota 1 32 65 $273 3,904 2
Tennessee 4 253 485 $4,970 30,003 21
Texas 15 765 1,457 $14,011 94,631 58
Utah 2 117 152 $386 9,167 3
Virginia 3 358 1,156 $3,342 72,273 17
Washington 2 65 155 $0 5,022 5
Wisconsin 2 90 177 $2,340 10,672 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 136 352 $1,933 24,780 37
Austria 1 72 208 $0 13,275 4
Canada 3 149 292 $307 19,526 7
Colombia 2 40 42 $0 2,661 0
Czech Republic 1 69 138 $0 9,023 0
Denmark 4 193 305 $450 20,345 3
Finland 1 71 142 $0 7,166 4
France 3 91 185 $0 12,604 0
Germany 1 40 82 $0 4,712 0
Japan 1 8 36 $0 1,589 1
New Zealand 2 154 533 $607 34,359 6
Puerto Rico 1 16 16 $0 1,041 0
South Korea 1 41 83 $1,419 5,315 0
Spain 1 40 41 $0 2,526 2
Sweden 3 121 149 $0 9,815 1
Thailand 1 26 53 $118 3,070 1
United Kingdom 1 16 34 $0 1,958 0
United States 121 6,364 12,294 $104,493 714,265 440