StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-05-13 to Sunday 2024-05-19, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-05-13
(click to change weeks)
(17,627 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-05-26 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 195 2,659 5,829 $202,936 300,497 952
FPO 121 490 1,077 $57,185 66,509 869
MP40 101 727 1,631 $33,736 93,676 927
MP50 56 295 644 $15,719 38,526 909
FP40 44 118 241 $4,041 15,691 831
FP50 13 17 37 $775 2,510 822
MP55 2 2 3 $60 185 895
FP55 13 20 40 $637 2,504 833
MP60 23 87 218 $5,455 13,314 909
FP60 14 20 41 $616 2,527 827
MP65 1 1 2 $84 120 837
FP65 8 8 16 $242 933 846
MP70 3 6 11 $466 622 884
FP70 4 4 8 $109 470 799
MA1 206 3,062 8,046 $0 274,390 902
FA1 148 482 1,007 $0 59,685 823
MA2 182 2,377 5,103 $0 258,421 883
FA2 130 449 900 $0 57,683 785
MA3 177 2,755 5,782 $0 308,485 852
FA3 129 461 952 $0 60,755 730

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 8 380 1,071 $1,020 25,354 13
Alaska 2 92 188 $1,102 9,988 1
Alberta 1 21 44 $0 2,644 1
Arizona 5 297 649 $7,160 37,400 15
Arkansas 3 138 255 $1,775 14,862 3
British Columbia 3 96 314 $38 11,965 0
California 13 838 1,932 $105,717 84,671 248
Colorado 7 483 923 $12,275 63,837 19
Connecticut 2 265 267 $833 17,691 3
Delaware 1 48 95 $84 5,132 0
Florida 10 551 1,110 $3,093 65,317 16
Georgia 11 554 1,353 $2,298 38,737 25
Hawaii 1 21 43 $0 2,183 0
Idaho 2 185 363 $2,270 21,355 5
Illinois 10 606 1,345 $1,762 66,523 16
Indiana 11 363 947 $1,295 26,855 18
Iowa 6 350 563 $2,211 26,238 5
Kansas 5 246 433 $3,368 27,454 4
Kentucky 9 391 893 $5,422 29,756 12
Louisiana 1 94 186 $2,345 11,696 5
Maine 1 52 103 $385 7,479 0
Manitoba 1 12 26 $0 1,591 0
Maryland 2 58 158 $0 3,197 2
Massachusetts 4 227 414 $7,757 26,066 9
Michigan 14 755 1,744 $10,619 80,165 49
Minnesota 5 442 911 $3,140 66,726 11
Mississippi 2 95 177 $580 10,344 12
Missouri 6 431 809 $6,202 31,508 26
Montana 3 155 312 $4,717 18,366 5
Nebraska 2 311 828 $19,730 51,353 53
Nevada 1 47 172 $0 0 2
New Brunswick 2 23 50 $0 2,965 0
New Hampshire 1 148 437 $0 26,992 1
New Jersey 4 193 341 $952 20,558 3
New Mexico 1 45 137 $1,115 8,520 2
New York 5 245 502 $940 28,169 12
North Carolina 21 930 1,837 $14,856 99,333 57
Ohio 9 527 1,726 $1,255 75,343 23
Oklahoma 6 178 369 $0 8,768 8
Ontario 4 201 578 $0 29,646 6
Oregon 4 317 879 $313 57,862 17
Pennsylvania 7 400 933 $704 39,654 5
Quebec 1 36 74 $0 4,342 0
Saskatchewan 1 14 30 $291 1,948 0
South Carolina 7 369 927 $1,203 36,603 12
South Dakota 1 25 52 $0 3,311 0
Tennessee 9 493 966 $5,975 54,741 32
Texas 15 1,017 2,406 $24,297 110,711 96
Utah 4 157 593 $0 8,911 12
Vermont 1 67 135 $951 7,977 4
Virginia 7 209 557 $19,296 28,356 63
Washington 4 234 468 $2,757 30,131 4
West Virginia 2 129 260 $280 18,752 0
Wisconsin 9 544 911 $8,446 57,899 17
Wyoming 2 50 89 $366 5,358 3

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 9 163 333 $946 19,902 3
Canada 13 403 1,116 $329 55,101 7
China 6 20 36 $42 1,562 0
Colombia 2 17 35 $0 2,142 0
Croatia 2 51 134 $0 6,047 2
Czech Republic 2 121 367 $0 26,319 7
Denmark 4 147 219 $0 14,168 1
Estonia 1 160 317 $4,860 19,274 25
Finland 20 1,243 2,663 $15,730 166,058 127
France 1 22 46 $33 3,619 0
Iceland 2 70 75 $0 4,487 0
Japan 4 69 254 $0 12,197 15
Latvia 1 155 310 $1,594 21,851 2
Luxembourg 1 31 64 $0 4,605 1
Malaysia 1 12 13 $200 733 0
Mexico 2 23 80 $0 5,123 1
Netherlands 1 34 68 $0 3,650 0
New Zealand 4 106 215 $0 12,349 0
Norway 5 269 428 $0 28,550 4
Philippines 1 24 47 $0 3,246 0
Poland 1 67 192 $0 12,185 1
Portugal 1 11 36 $0 1,307 0
Slovenia 1 15 45 $0 2,439 0
South Korea 1 33 107 $1,400 6,121 0
Spain 2 27 75 $0 1,306 0
Sweden 12 801 1,587 $6,012 101,072 31
Switzerland 1 9 20 $0 585 0
United Kingdom 2 139 361 $441 22,674 6
United States 266 14,752 32,769 $290,866 1,598,202 948