StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-08-26 to Sunday 2024-09-01, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-08-26
(click to change weeks)
(11,572 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-09-05 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 164 2,311 5,674 $134,664 266,404 942
FPO 62 236 598 $16,112 36,417 852
MP40 90 795 1,834 $37,437 94,931 913
MP50 47 251 559 $15,005 35,346 910
FP40 12 26 68 $2,812 5,170 845
FP50 8 18 37 $460 2,698 813
MP55 1 3 9 $760 757 913
MP60 17 66 167 $5,366 11,141 876
FP60 2 2 4 $157 297 830
MP65 4 11 30 $1,832 2,267 875
MP70 2 4 6 $146 321 839
MA1 152 1,936 4,799 $0 171,914 902
FA1 52 155 400 $0 19,994 815
MA2 138 1,663 3,802 $0 176,170 887
FA2 40 129 338 $0 17,043 767
MA3 148 2,123 4,601 $0 233,616 852
FA3 53 127 293 $0 19,167 709

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 215 372 $733 19,347 4
Alaska 1 32 130 $1,110 7,330 2
Alberta 3 299 1,000 $21,045 49,080 23
Arizona 6 186 519 $540 2,696 2
Arkansas 3 160 205 $620 11,753 6
British Columbia 1 81 164 $0 10,905 0
California 6 481 1,399 $17,876 66,051 35
Colorado 1 35 36 $190 1,720 0
Connecticut 1 78 234 $939 14,215 7
Delaware 1 48 98 $0 6,613 1
Florida 2 133 170 $100 5,522 4
Idaho 1 85 254 $0 15,341 6
Illinois 10 382 696 $1,133 30,456 12
Indiana 4 179 382 $143 7,601 2
Iowa 4 245 501 $4,245 28,867 18
Kansas 4 206 423 $710 16,518 7
Kentucky 3 96 214 $677 5,901 1
Louisiana 1 10 21 $0 1,547 0
Maine 2 83 155 $0 3,169 0
Manitoba 4 79 538 $0 0 2
Massachusetts 2 123 173 $1,626 11,104 9
Michigan 9 1,157 3,525 $33,691 141,853 157
Minnesota 2 39 60 $522 3,930 1
Missouri 1 139 408 $3,360 25,158 17
Nebraska 2 120 238 $2,511 15,568 9
New Brunswick 3 42 158 $0 0 0
New Jersey 2 119 241 $1,068 15,141 6
New York 4 185 488 $3,733 23,408 19
North Carolina 7 376 679 $444 31,780 17
North Dakota 1 78 232 $14,102 19,102 10
Ohio 4 264 697 $8,568 40,628 31
Oklahoma 3 58 128 $0 0 3
Ontario 2 122 295 $377 18,748 2
Oregon 3 214 519 $3,690 25,346 9
Pennsylvania 6 307 741 $3,780 37,340 13
Prince Edward Island 1 40 82 $314 4,896 0
Saskatchewan 1 19 100 $0 0 5
South Carolina 4 146 218 $32 11,968 1
Tennessee 5 253 425 $4,888 20,717 8
Texas 15 537 989 $4,568 38,947 19
Utah 2 157 453 $10,839 26,348 22
Vermont 1 81 225 $0 0 10
Virginia 4 260 696 $0 20,224 7
Washington 4 328 627 $7,556 37,245 23
West Virginia 1 101 298 $13,425 19,284 44
Wisconsin 3 394 633 $11,480 48,945 27

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 93 194 $304 7,795 1
Belgium 1 63 125 $0 7,667 0
Canada 15 682 2,337 $21,736 83,629 32
Czech Republic 2 125 420 $1,612 19,612 24
Denmark 2 145 288 $1,398 18,585 2
Estonia 2 79 158 $122 10,030 1
Finland 12 769 1,459 $14,489 95,112 155
Germany 5 203 511 $0 32,187 19
Iceland 1 48 48 $0 3,045 0
Latvia 1 66 129 $0 8,580 0
Mexico 3 162 402 $0 23,017 4
New Zealand 2 87 203 $0 4,385 0
Norway 8 515 1,142 $2,498 67,545 8
Panama 1 10 10 $0 621 0
Slovenia 1 40 118 $0 6,758 1
Spain 1 19 60 $0 2,378 0
Sweden 21 1,156 2,568 $7,959 133,190 43
Switzerland 1 0 0 $0 0 0
United Kingdom 2 149 439 $5,802 28,547 14
United States 138 8,090 18,502 $158,899 858,683 569