StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-03-06 to Sunday 2023-03-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-03-06
(click to change weeks)
(9,137 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-03-19 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 108 1,530 2,865 $96,682 166,073 942
FPO 45 171 384 $30,691 26,370 878
MP40 58 354 692 $12,520 42,101 915
MP50 23 93 203 $3,582 11,835 892
FP40 9 18 35 $424 2,936 786
FP50 2 4 10 $110 244 838
MP55 1 1 1 $18 66 855
MP60 14 46 91 $1,583 6,076 867
MP70 1 1 3 $0 158 724
MA1 110 1,781 2,642 $0 132,403 910
FA1 48 139 263 $0 18,657 793
MA2 107 1,622 2,911 $0 176,169 886
FA2 33 84 170 $0 10,722 749
MA3 103 1,637 2,775 $0 176,192 842
FA3 37 88 142 $0 9,462 714

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 160 317 $1,080 18,507 8
Alaska 1 31 31 $0 1,522 0
Arizona 2 41 82 $114 4,505 0
Arkansas 3 155 289 $831 16,818 3
British Columbia 2 140 280 $735 17,881 2
California 5 496 1,159 $10,339 82,446 22
Colorado 4 382 658 $4,970 40,712 20
Connecticut 1 67 134 $340 8,908 0
Delaware 1 73 146 $378 8,923 1
Florida 8 726 1,367 $1,675 80,016 13
Georgia 8 795 1,051 $2,322 60,311 18
Idaho 1 77 148 $630 9,088 3
Illinois 5 405 489 $385 25,915 6
Indiana 4 252 503 $931 32,488 11
Kansas 5 319 612 $3,336 27,677 8
Kentucky 2 11 11 $16 620 0
Louisiana 1 63 126 $478 7,759 7
Massachusetts 1 46 138 $1,963 8,369 12
Michigan 5 309 610 $4,563 36,863 9
Missouri 3 139 276 $2,222 18,592 4
Nevada 1 59 59 $0 0 2
New Jersey 1 74 146 $150 9,874 2
New Mexico 2 97 176 $4,606 8,284 3
North Carolina 9 767 1,226 $5,689 64,051 41
Nova Scotia 1 45 90 $0 6,168 0
Ohio 2 146 221 $717 14,563 3
Oklahoma 2 150 394 $3,155 24,497 15
Oregon 1 50 96 $903 6,091 4
Pennsylvania 1 19 30 $160 2,034 0
South Carolina 7 414 708 $559 29,327 2
Tennessee 5 271 396 $1,905 24,717 8
Texas 15 957 1,498 $84,589 98,503 240
Utah 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Virginia 5 226 368 $1,291 26,021 1
Washington 4 233 463 $1,637 28,620 6
West Virginia 1 60 60 $0 3,075 0
Wyoming 1 31 30 $252 2,299 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 31 93 $357 6,029 0
Austria 1 70 139 $0 10,282 2
Belize 2 30 65 $100 2,532 0
Canada 3 185 370 $735 24,049 2
Czech Republic 1 36 68 $0 4,313 1
Denmark 4 204 301 $0 18,511 2
Finland 2 127 252 $0 14,461 0
France 2 99 196 $0 14,383 1
Germany 5 267 636 $1,953 42,581 25
Netherlands 1 62 122 $0 6,161 3
Slovenia 1 26 51 $0 3,096 0
Spain 2 102 154 $0 9,965 5
Sweden 4 274 418 $279 29,164 1
United Kingdom 1 54 107 $0 6,033 1
United States 120 8,101 14,018 $142,186 831,995 472