StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-05-06 to Sunday 2024-05-12, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-05-06
(click to change weeks)
(13,753 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-05-15 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 158 2,505 5,658 $187,397 303,822 944
FPO 62 249 599 $28,789 40,790 848
MP40 93 806 1,875 $56,172 106,032 919
MP50 43 320 773 $28,343 49,621 905
FP40 19 57 127 $4,920 9,903 816
FP50 10 21 56 $2,323 4,179 813
MP55 2 8 16 $361 1,070 915
MP60 23 122 345 $18,037 21,823 907
FP60 2 7 21 $1,744 1,566 807
MP65 2 6 12 $439 774 902
MP70 5 10 22 $1,127 1,724 877
MA1 161 2,248 5,749 $0 225,524 904
FA1 63 170 404 $0 22,045 816
MA2 153 2,130 4,468 $0 251,046 889
FA2 56 159 350 $0 24,154 755
MA3 160 2,433 4,995 $0 264,431 854
FA3 51 127 256 $0 17,233 694

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 124 214 $315 10,206 2
Alaska 1 87 88 $0 4,713 1
Arizona 3 135 277 $0 13,324 2
Arkansas 1 100 200 $2,603 12,788 5
British Columbia 2 98 198 $0 13,294 0
California 8 615 1,868 $49,917 94,969 101
Colorado 2 176 486 $27,639 30,941 52
Connecticut 1 87 88 $0 7,331 0
Florida 7 393 767 $1,081 29,123 15
Georgia 4 243 493 $560 14,454 8
Idaho 1 97 195 $2,584 13,792 6
Illinois 8 468 994 $692 48,375 24
Indiana 9 277 1,045 $100 14,695 7
Iowa 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Kansas 3 152 248 $902 13,635 6
Kentucky 4 188 574 $10,502 11,879 47
Louisiana 2 108 215 $660 14,526 4
Maine 1 122 122 $656 7,643 1
Maryland 3 138 319 $576 16,175 2
Massachusetts 4 272 421 $3,698 27,263 9
Michigan 10 590 1,279 $4,622 62,546 29
Minnesota 4 190 386 $669 23,231 6
Mississippi 1 41 84 $288 4,948 1
Missouri 1 21 22 $90 1,213 2
Nebraska 2 73 172 $536 5,960 6
Nevada 1 433 1,471 $79,401 94,549 154
New Jersey 4 162 377 $2,883 15,170 3
New Mexico 1 41 84 $84 5,116 0
New York 4 353 392 $83 23,955 1
North Carolina 9 660 1,195 $4,274 58,621 32
North Dakota 1 20 39 $0 2,319 0
Nova Scotia 2 42 81 $170 4,988 0
Ohio 6 281 605 $2,044 35,249 6
Oklahoma 2 211 623 $12,581 33,741 40
Ontario 1 12 13 $0 683 0
Oregon 2 155 227 $374 13,408 0
Pennsylvania 4 298 683 $6,662 44,082 26
Prince Edward Island 1 48 97 $0 6,572 0
South Carolina 2 84 231 $20 13,785 1
South Dakota 1 25 48 $0 3,354 0
Tennessee 8 816 2,181 $15,717 111,055 45
Texas 14 712 1,144 $6,218 55,334 29
Utah 1 60 116 $582 7,531 4
Vermont 1 126 254 $1,976 13,901 3
Virginia 6 356 976 $4,400 24,804 21
Washington 3 263 712 $4,726 46,148 17
West Virginia 2 99 200 $517 12,584 2
Wisconsin 5 336 728 $4,343 32,022 23
Wyoming 2 50 102 $0 5,473 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 1 15 30 $0 1,990 0
Australia 1 45 92 $0 6,648 2
Austria 1 64 188 $0 11,749 3
Belize 1 21 44 $0 2,445 0
Canada 6 200 389 $170 25,537 0
Czech Republic 5 198 376 $0 25,689 5
Denmark 2 222 501 $60,819 31,848 126
Estonia 4 309 762 $3,389 47,655 12
Finland 15 1,301 2,705 $3,698 199,092 67
France 1 110 328 $0 23,472 8
Germany 2 80 190 $0 9,742 6
Iceland 2 79 115 $0 7,542 0
Japan 2 79 343 $0 17,683 13
Latvia 1 34 68 $0 4,695 0
Lithuania 2 124 252 $655 17,691 0
Mexico 1 30 31 $0 1,819 0
Netherlands 1 53 106 $0 6,357 0
Norway 6 310 771 $5,399 52,645 21
Serbia 1 26 74 $0 3,079 2
Slovenia 1 33 96 $0 5,066 2
Spain 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Sweden 19 1,077 1,966 $187 126,641 11
Switzerland 1 34 68 $0 3,615 2
United States 163 10,238 22,945 $255,575 1,135,931 744