StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-09-09 to Sunday 2024-09-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-09-09
(click to change weeks)
(11,657 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-09-22 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 155 2,214 5,290 $143,563 266,672 948
FPO 58 225 586 $20,135 36,856 859
MP40 87 615 1,460 $34,994 75,219 923
MP50 53 248 574 $17,071 36,667 910
FP40 6 20 46 $909 3,274 815
FP50 7 11 21 $565 1,482 820
MP55 3 9 20 $43 1,099 878
MP60 25 69 159 $3,937 10,164 870
FP60 2 2 4 $137 296 754
MP65 2 2 4 $14 260 829
FP65 1 1 2 $0 158 715
MP70 5 12 31 $1,067 2,262 832
MA1 162 1,927 4,718 $0 218,443 916
FA1 59 191 492 $0 30,335 816
MA2 152 1,870 4,418 $0 227,800 888
FA2 33 105 262 $0 17,289 774
MA3 152 1,969 4,498 $0 222,489 855
FA3 51 118 282 $0 17,134 718

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 98 259 $0 7,020 3
Alaska 1 68 270 $1,240 15,582 5
Alberta 1 8 8 $0 455 0
Arizona 4 211 467 $7,226 33,931 8
Arkansas 3 207 291 $2,123 17,225 8
British Columbia 2 410 1,219 $0 77,335 43
California 10 700 1,971 $7,607 52,077 43
Colorado 4 169 255 $406 14,498 4
Connecticut 1 125 372 $8,367 25,216 28
Florida 3 241 415 $2,974 27,699 8
Georgia 5 333 704 $7,560 43,266 33
Illinois 6 322 557 $7,518 36,618 11
Indiana 3 94 255 $1,222 9,267 9
Iowa 3 153 243 $848 13,947 9
Kansas 4 296 842 $9,829 37,728 27
Kentucky 3 97 133 $103 7,882 0
Louisiana 2 146 416 $0 11,290 15
Maine 1 282 836 $42,898 51,730 70
Maryland 1 117 117 $580 6,599 0
Massachusetts 2 99 172 $620 10,590 3
Michigan 11 450 876 $3,204 51,826 12
Minnesota 6 235 521 $4,546 30,412 20
Missouri 8 294 441 $3,453 25,905 8
Montana 1 40 121 $1,125 7,319 3
Nebraska 2 127 128 $504 8,654 2
Nevada 2 96 353 $19 1,638 3
New Jersey 3 56 281 $0 694 10
New York 2 188 583 $16,418 30,499 46
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 11 42 $0 0 0
North Carolina 7 332 694 $3,367 33,667 28
North Dakota 1 42 113 $0 0 0
Nova Scotia 3 84 278 $0 0 1
Ohio 7 507 1,396 $66 36,266 24
Oklahoma 5 222 401 $2,957 18,618 16
Ontario 1 143 419 $13,333 29,052 68
Oregon 2 195 578 $7,010 33,898 26
Pennsylvania 8 383 874 $13,908 40,902 41
Prince Edward Island 1 43 91 $502 6,056 0
South Carolina 2 49 177 $40 10,019 6
South Dakota 2 97 221 $5,223 14,780 19
Tennessee 6 251 419 $4,555 25,514 20
Texas 12 588 1,012 $9,118 63,304 32
Utah 2 130 408 $0 19,798 1
Vermont 1 14 38 $0 0 1
Virginia 5 273 868 $6,940 36,741 35
Washington 2 149 390 $5,400 21,710 36
West Virginia 1 54 110 $64 6,191 0
Wisconsin 7 326 637 $3,578 30,225 13
Wyoming 1 4 4 $0 272 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 1 11 22 $0 1,441 0
Australia 1 38 116 $94 7,558 0
Canada 9 699 2,057 $13,835 112,898 112
Czech Republic 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Denmark 5 171 282 $0 19,108 1
Estonia 2 116 224 $0 14,840 2
Finland 15 716 1,659 $2,180 107,520 143
France 1 84 251 $1,530 17,359 12
Germany 1 31 92 $0 4,623 0
Iceland 3 86 113 $83 7,358 1
Latvia 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Lithuania 2 114 232 $774 14,945 1
Mexico 1 32 86 $0 5,445 0
Netherlands 1 54 110 $201 6,337 1
New Zealand 2 118 239 $705 14,843 1
Norway 7 343 841 $7,917 54,513 8
Poland 1 15 32 $0 1,932 1
Slovenia 1 31 90 $0 5,340 0
Sweden 10 707 2,163 $0 143,869 6
Switzerland 1 55 168 $1,745 10,798 12
United Kingdom 4 142 356 $902 22,647 7
United States 165 8,860 20,219 $192,616 971,017 686