StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-10-17 to Sunday 2022-10-23, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-10-17
(click to change weeks)
(9,921 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-10-30 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 134 1,608 3,315 $112,027 198,231 944
FPO 50 142 319 $13,953 21,210 851
MP40 66 496 1,165 $42,247 68,500 928
MP50 29 193 484 $16,721 29,161 915
FP40 7 23 65 $2,414 4,248 833
FP50 5 12 32 $1,520 2,166 792
MP55 1 7 21 $1,326 1,322 939
FP55 1 1 3 $190 223 816
MP60 16 66 166 $4,758 9,865 877
FP60 2 2 4 $98 256 863
MP65 1 2 6 $380 396 892
FP65 1 2 6 $380 469 780
MP70 1 1 2 $0 160 727
MA1 130 1,483 2,929 $0 179,182 916
FA1 46 139 283 $0 19,301 805
MA2 127 1,793 3,457 $0 214,305 882
FA2 52 125 241 $0 16,867 771
MA3 124 2,035 3,821 $0 245,289 845
FA3 47 126 244 $0 18,631 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 105 187 $1,914 11,446 4
Alaska 1 26 52 $255 2,873 2
Arizona 2 86 169 $0 9,616 7
Arkansas 3 72 79 $384 6,312 0
California 5 545 1,287 $20,075 79,363 46
Colorado 3 229 322 $2,631 18,829 10
Delaware 2 108 214 $2,647 12,284 5
Florida 4 336 687 $657 39,594 3
Georgia 2 169 396 $4,055 27,584 13
Illinois 4 240 465 $1,743 30,772 10
Indiana 5 230 412 $991 27,242 5
Iowa 4 203 402 $2,411 23,479 10
Kansas 2 60 62 $0 3,660 1
Kentucky 1 70 140 $1,115 9,908 3
Louisiana 1 95 188 $771 12,483 4
Maine 1 62 120 $940 6,654 4
Maryland 3 100 199 $595 13,287 0
Massachusetts 2 83 154 $5,575 9,968 7
Michigan 6 335 641 $5,408 37,389 14
Minnesota 5 254 503 $1,995 33,993 9
Missouri 8 517 1,020 $10,681 64,446 19
Montana 1 5 10 $325 572 1
Nebraska 1 38 38 $125 3,674 0
New Hampshire 2 53 92 $0 6,080 0
New Jersey 3 164 276 $837 17,761 1
New Mexico 1 6 16 $0 1,041 0
New York 6 290 579 $5,508 37,260 11
North Carolina 7 628 1,481 $27,809 91,583 70
Nova Scotia 1 63 126 $644 8,147 0
Ohio 5 332 543 $2,615 36,172 6
Oklahoma 1 358 1,045 $23,230 65,118 57
Ontario 4 248 499 $1,528 31,362 4
Oregon 2 186 477 $6,506 30,746 6
Pennsylvania 1 55 110 $175 10,198 7
Quebec 1 138 273 $2,089 19,580 1
South Carolina 3 43 46 $0 2,611 1
South Dakota 3 144 242 $1,464 14,423 3
Tennessee 5 576 1,232 $29,256 69,708 66
Texas 14 779 1,233 $4,377 78,895 19
Utah 2 68 135 $31 8,396 2
Virginia 2 374 714 $13,035 45,113 41
Washington 1 72 139 $949 8,097 5
West Virginia 2 73 146 $1,355 9,158 3
Wisconsin 4 319 521 $1,816 32,351 10

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 3 101 202 $150 13,188 2
Austria 1 64 126 $0 7,870 2
Belize 1 32 95 $1,800 7,012 2
Canada 6 449 898 $4,261 59,089 5
Czech Republic 1 30 60 $0 3,670 1
Denmark 2 161 243 $0 15,894 2
Estonia 2 151 302 $1,232 18,073 2
Finland 5 195 323 $0 22,096 6
France 1 53 157 $426 10,912 4
Germany 4 172 430 $0 26,704 21
Hungary 1 40 113 $0 7,460 1
Japan 1 55 197 $1,320 11,974 45
Latvia 1 23 23 $0 1,552 0
New Zealand 1 55 156 $0 11,012 6
Norway 2 40 52 $0 3,244 0
Sweden 6 198 356 $0 22,675 2
Switzerland 1 89 295 $2,759 18,355 10
United Kingdom 2 115 278 $0 16,048 4
United States 132 8,488 16,774 $184,256 1,050,139 485