StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-10-30 to Sunday 2023-11-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-10-30
(click to change weeks)
(10,695 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-11-12 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 138 1,519 3,129 $106,225 170,853 946
FPO 57 135 306 $12,723 19,939 856
MP40 60 397 890 $28,486 51,657 931
MP50 33 144 349 $11,892 20,169 915
FP40 7 9 18 $808 1,382 779
FP50 3 3 4 $94 268 811
MP55 1 2 4 $180 240 884
FP55 1 1 2 $50 113 837
MP60 14 51 102 $4,771 6,441 887
FP60 1 2 4 $250 288 816
MP65 1 3 6 $270 316 905
MP70 2 4 11 $490 656 860
FP70 1 1 2 $125 160 740
MA1 152 2,022 4,054 $0 211,855 915
FA1 67 192 423 $0 27,802 808
MA2 142 1,882 4,128 $0 242,829 890
FA2 50 142 303 $0 20,806 778
MA3 143 2,316 4,503 $0 261,069 855
FA3 50 159 290 $0 19,763 725

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 101 223 $1,690 5,596 7
Arizona 2 63 87 $0 0 0
Arkansas 3 157 287 $4,581 19,237 10
British Columbia 2 78 152 $404 8,555 5
California 6 596 1,091 $14,004 72,723 29
Colorado 1 127 499 $6,915 27,113 23
Connecticut 1 69 137 $865 8,718 2
Florida 5 494 1,253 $9,507 77,929 23
Georgia 8 477 805 $1,843 47,709 7
Illinois 3 208 313 $600 13,218 4
Indiana 6 376 696 $4,929 42,641 20
Iowa 3 149 196 $998 11,643 6
Kansas 2 163 325 $1,463 18,550 10
Kentucky 3 143 255 $506 14,953 1
Louisiana 5 203 377 $3,505 19,207 12
Maine 1 65 128 $414 7,816 5
Massachusetts 3 212 280 $1,347 16,094 8
Michigan 9 409 731 $507 26,040 8
Minnesota 1 45 45 $0 3,183 0
Mississippi 1 57 112 $360 6,750 2
Missouri 6 488 1,022 $12,403 66,505 37
Montana 1 20 54 $0 0 1
Nebraska 1 42 42 $80 3,471 0
Nevada 1 26 24 $0 0 3
New Brunswick 1 103 206 $1,276 23,218 0
New Jersey 1 70 139 $430 8,723 0
New York 3 202 241 $2,188 15,475 2
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 17 34 $0 2,325 1
North Carolina 12 695 1,091 $9,274 67,107 30
Ohio 10 404 618 $1,605 34,592 8
Ontario 3 91 175 $717 5,869 2
Oregon 7 312 508 $3,290 29,802 20
Pennsylvania 4 325 644 $3,107 39,379 11
Rhode Island 1 71 142 $1,255 9,330 3
Saskatchewan 1 18 53 $0 0 0
South Carolina 4 416 1,198 $21,440 65,211 82
South Dakota 1 47 47 $320 3,274 2
Tennessee 4 313 621 $6,303 27,914 17
Texas 19 1,967 5,179 $22,975 310,431 74
Utah 4 245 379 $875 13,735 4
Virginia 5 268 590 $13,674 37,749 23
Washington 2 32 19 $0 0 0
West Virginia 2 202 535 $1,716 33,253 5
Wisconsin 6 204 326 $989 18,133 4
Wyoming 1 27 27 $180 2,025 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 232 628 $6,009 47,303 4
Belgium 1 28 53 $0 3,571 0
Canada 8 307 620 $2,397 39,967 8
Croatia 1 62 191 $0 12,593 2
Czech Republic 2 73 145 $0 9,995 1
Denmark 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Finland 4 111 181 $269 10,754 6
Germany 1 33 99 $0 4,322 4
Guatemala 1 16 32 $0 1,952 0
Kenya 2 12 12 $0 668 1
Netherlands 2 78 154 $0 7,864 1
New Zealand 1 72 215 $707 13,509 5
Spain 3 218 531 $1,187 34,183 9
Sweden 4 135 239 $27 13,603 2
United States 161 10,490 21,286 $156,138 1,225,229 503