StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-06-18 to Sunday 2018-06-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-06-18
(click to change weeks)
(4,335 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:57 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 62 916 2,270 $94,379 134,008 952
FPO 21 88 242 $9,965 16,440 872
MP40 35 216 538 $16,135 32,101 929
MP50 20 111 292 $8,808 17,480 918
FP40 3 8 23 $443 1,749 842
MP55 2 6 17 $613 1,069 911
MP60 4 12 33 $427 2,256 891
FP60 1 1 2 $55 182 746
MP65 2 2 4 $188 121 839
MA1 64 830 1,883 $0 115,414 919
FA1 25 74 179 $0 12,503 794
MA2 57 828 1,880 $0 120,555 878
FA2 20 65 159 $0 11,820 740
MA3 48 521 1,158 $0 76,759 842
FA3 18 43 90 $0 7,773 669

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 14 28 $180 1,682 0
Alaska 1 13 39 $718 2,138 1
Arizona 1 151 527 $8,831 30,643 18
British Columbia 2 101 277 $2,784 16,823 7
California 3 277 796 $12,040 50,190 54
Colorado 4 140 217 $2,420 14,731 6
Connecticut 1 73 146 $2,110 9,227 5
Georgia 3 163 391 $1,430 24,486 8
Illinois 2 169 334 $1,705 25,287 2
Indiana 1 90 179 $1,627 12,135 5
Iowa 2 95 266 $1,745 14,811 8
Kansas 2 98 188 $1,143 11,360 7
Kentucky 2 53 106 $818 7,044 2
Maine 1 24 48 $0 2,305 0
Massachusetts 2 108 216 $3,315 12,945 7
Michigan 4 228 540 $9,735 31,152 30
Minnesota 1 143 285 $0 18,433 1
Mississippi 1 46 91 $270 5,578 0
Missouri 1 275 799 $7,062 49,828 44
Montana 1 8 16 $136 928 2
New Hampshire 2 69 112 $659 6,718 2
New Mexico 1 16 30 $0 1,864 1
New York 1 32 126 $457 6,821 1
North Carolina 1 73 139 $760 7,785 6
North Dakota 2 39 59 $880 4,367 3
Ohio 2 113 294 $317 19,001 2
Oklahoma 2 94 243 $956 13,617 6
Ontario 1 73 143 $1,405 9,784 6
Oregon 1 75 141 $1,216 9,224 8
Pennsylvania 4 215 581 $3,216 37,983 10
South Carolina 1 67 200 $1,474 13,160 2
Tennessee 3 220 429 $4,165 29,165 13
Texas 4 256 515 $5,689 38,208 13
Utah 3 240 617 $33,122 38,240 91
Virginia 1 46 144 $1,360 8,601 11
Washington 1 76 151 $1,924 10,255 8
West Virginia 1 20 40 $304 2,542 0
Wisconsin 2 77 154 $2,630 8,324 14
Wyoming 1 40 80 $1,905 4,835 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 3 174 420 $4,189 26,607 13
Estonia 1 22 44 $0 2,500 0
Finland 2 74 114 $47 8,600 1
Germany 1 47 163 $0 8,838 5
Japan 1 32 96 $1,278 6,876 7
Netherlands 1 22 80 $0 3,897 0
Norway 2 133 359 $9,424 25,925 29
Slovenia 1 31 105 $0 6,076 0
Sweden 1 16 32 $0 2,164 0
United States 68 3,982 9,359 $116,435 590,828 395