StatMando Monday

From Monday 2017-07-24 to Sunday 2017-07-30, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2017-07-24
(click to change weeks)
(4,832 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:54 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 61 1,178 2,921 $81,622 173,918 947
FPO 37 156 411 $10,861 29,192 838
MA1 49 774 1,822 $0 113,915 919
FA1 27 88 210 $0 16,546 786
MA2 48 824 1,906 $0 124,387 882
FA2 21 67 146 $0 11,872 733
MA3 43 563 1,295 $0 88,113 853
FA3 16 46 119 $0 9,684 729

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Arizona 1 20 40 $0 2,107 1
California 5 430 995 $9,508 68,152 38
Colorado 1 108 315 $4,005 22,904 27
Connecticut 1 85 170 $841 10,144 2
Georgia 1 149 295 $3,540 30,250 8
Idaho 1 43 129 $0 8,782 0
Illinois 3 135 379 $2,786 22,305 11
Iowa 1 244 706 $14,511 43,880 60
Kentucky 2 92 183 $630 14,385 1
Louisiana 1 22 44 $885 2,781 2
Michigan 3 210 431 $4,842 26,882 18
Minnesota 1 80 160 $2,045 8,833 4
Mississippi 1 52 103 $1,674 6,421 3
Missouri 1 60 119 $1,608 7,790 5
Montana 2 152 433 $14,693 26,373 36
New Hampshire 1 60 120 $695 7,634 0
New Jersey 1 25 50 $100 2,852 0
New Mexico 1 41 121 $1,390 7,000 5
New York 2 175 472 $4,966 28,600 19
North Carolina 2 160 500 $3,819 32,027 24
Ohio 1 187 557 $15,083 40,850 46
Oklahoma 1 79 236 $2,370 14,436 14
Ontario 1 81 81 $385 4,473 1
Oregon 1 73 221 $1,650 13,149 11
South Carolina 1 31 60 $130 4,010 1
Tennessee 1 65 130 $1,275 8,081 5
Texas 3 283 620 $3,791 34,348 29
Utah 1 24 24 $0 1,688 0
Virginia 1 53 105 $225 5,788 4
West Virginia 1 41 81 $586 4,558 6
Wisconsin 4 242 460 $4,685 34,751 16

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 1 81 81 $385 4,473 1
Czech Republic 1 56 182 $0 9,600 1
Denmark 1 70 138 $847 8,989 3
Estonia 1 182 543 $0 39,018 0
Finland 11 755 1,515 $15,835 98,900 53
France 1 55 195 $395 11,891 2
Germany 1 41 135 $428 8,042 12
Hungary 1 49 175 $0 10,522 2
Japan 1 21 100 $452 4,954 4
Latvia 1 57 168 $1,276 9,568 2
Norway 1 23 46 $256 3,014 0
Sweden 1 70 140 $1,091 8,399 8
Switzerland 2 67 133 $0 8,471 6
United Kingdom 2 94 228 $0 13,514 4
United States 47 3,421 8,259 $102,333 541,761 396