StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-10-10 to Sunday 2022-10-16, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-10-10
(click to change weeks)
(10,030 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-10-20 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 145 1,919 3,993 $228,469 234,053 929
FPO 69 216 461 $125,750 31,585 824
MP40 72 495 1,148 $13,247 70,315 917
MP50 44 180 395 $5,051 23,715 902
FP40 4 9 17 $208 1,129 829
FP50 3 6 12 $229 803 801
MP55 5 18 42 $1,752 2,544 911
MP60 16 39 94 $2,068 5,802 880
MP65 2 4 6 $190 429 885
MP70 3 4 8 $209 528 781
FP70 1 2 4 $0 367 503
MA1 130 1,419 2,820 $0 174,531 918
FA1 56 151 323 $0 23,593 798
MA2 126 1,783 3,411 $0 213,745 883
FA2 47 143 303 $0 22,763 768
MA3 126 1,776 3,326 $0 215,783 847
FA3 50 129 256 $0 19,008 704

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 86 169 $4,261 13,237 5
Alaska 1 72 144 $0 8,124 3
Arizona 2 178 348 $799 16,805 7
Arkansas 2 3 3 $0 141 0
British Columbia 2 103 202 $0 11,876 1
California 4 357 733 $0 46,385 26
Colorado 6 349 692 $3,731 41,541 34
Connecticut 1 120 120 $363 8,135 0
Delaware 1 39 39 $0 2,993 0
Florida 4 530 841 $0 59,962 13
Georgia 5 223 438 $113 26,117 1
Illinois 3 218 589 $1,900 34,252 7
Indiana 6 347 584 $2,909 41,598 6
Iowa 1 97 192 $406 12,879 6
Kansas 3 239 438 $3,543 25,875 10
Kentucky 4 179 406 $3,475 25,365 11
Louisiana 6 255 517 $9,679 29,596 19
Maine 2 144 280 $0 16,272 20
Manitoba 1 41 41 $0 3,075 0
Maryland 2 69 136 $0 8,499 0
Massachusetts 1 115 115 $0 7,457 1
Michigan 7 340 676 $1,201 42,325 13
Minnesota 4 91 181 $1,750 10,449 2
Mississippi 1 22 44 $43 2,672 2
Missouri 4 205 342 $2,013 21,298 6
Montana 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Nebraska 4 209 403 $3,855 25,548 11
Nevada 1 82 160 $0 13,980 2
New Hampshire 1 0 0 $0 0 0
New Jersey 4 164 254 $160 16,197 4
New York 4 142 279 $1,829 18,638 2
North Carolina 11 560 729 $305,344 44,974 14
Nova Scotia 1 93 277 $1,609 22,636 0
Ohio 6 300 459 $476 27,253 11
Oklahoma 2 97 97 $245 5,843 0
Ontario 2 276 596 $0 43,306 3
Oregon 2 72 144 $874 8,122 4
Pennsylvania 4 212 417 $1,522 27,569 5
Quebec 4 108 307 $0 21,342 4
South Carolina 3 122 297 $638 18,324 4
South Dakota 1 32 31 $119 2,904 0
Tennessee 3 193 378 $3,326 22,308 8
Texas 12 622 1,201 $11,824 72,670 48
Utah 1 231 683 $0 45,469 39
Vermont 1 134 266 $2,016 18,304 3
Virginia 7 268 521 $2,558 31,081 14
Washington 1 78 154 $2,006 8,625 3
Wisconsin 4 200 395 $0 26,566 8
Wyoming 1 9 9 $0 471 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 4 236 471 $364 32,986 7
Austria 1 29 57 $0 3,525 3
Belgium 1 34 67 $0 4,622 0
Canada 10 621 1,423 $1,609 102,235 8
Croatia 1 28 56 $0 3,715 0
Czech Republic 3 126 324 $0 20,965 4
Estonia 4 208 357 $0 23,096 9
Finland 6 190 315 $311 20,381 3
Germany 5 153 467 $0 25,032 14
Hungary 1 21 63 $0 4,220 1
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Lithuania 1 71 210 $0 14,054 1
Malaysia 1 18 33 $173 2,156 0
Netherlands 1 16 32 $0 1,484 0
New Zealand 2 136 461 $0 26,191 10
Norway 4 116 231 $1,738 13,251 2
Poland 1 56 159 $0 9,359 0
Serbia 1 21 38 $0 2,994 0
Spain 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Sweden 4 251 748 $0 47,122 6
Switzerland 1 61 179 $0 11,256 10
Ukraine 1 10 30 $0 1,932 0
United Kingdom 1 73 266 $0 16,014 11
United States 146 8,012 14,917 $372,978 937,778 372