StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-10-09 to Sunday 2023-10-15, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-10-09
(click to change weeks)
(12,433 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-10-22 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 203 2,377 4,725 $286,158 257,982 936
FPO 71 234 516 $149,938 32,674 852
MP40 96 682 1,439 $33,433 90,358 921
MP50 49 245 518 $12,065 32,536 902
FP40 11 30 74 $894 5,322 802
FP50 7 15 28 $608 2,239 768
MP55 3 6 13 $236 897 866
MP60 27 99 243 $4,411 15,604 872
FP60 2 4 9 $663 613 832
MP65 1 2 6 $240 343 858
MP70 2 3 8 $96 394 819
MA1 199 2,254 3,901 $0 192,779 907
FA1 69 171 332 $0 22,965 811
MA2 174 1,839 3,323 $0 200,711 885
FA2 62 136 258 $0 19,133 763
MA3 178 2,252 3,894 $0 246,672 848
FA3 64 148 259 $0 19,340 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 6 274 540 $1,545 20,858 10
Alaska 1 69 136 $1,330 7,977 4
Alberta 1 2 4 $0 221 0
Arizona 4 117 122 $430 7,051 2
Arkansas 2 157 383 $10,838 23,645 41
British Columbia 1 27 52 $431 3,174 1
California 11 717 1,444 $8,953 91,675 49
Colorado 8 416 812 $12,942 47,619 27
Connecticut 2 184 184 $278 11,995 2
Florida 5 472 804 $2,960 45,525 16
Georgia 8 392 567 $971 16,075 7
Idaho 2 121 240 $1,180 15,766 4
Illinois 9 367 658 $2,758 31,900 10
Indiana 10 318 432 $1,392 27,058 5
Iowa 2 83 180 $1,764 10,281 10
Kansas 5 275 467 $4,642 29,752 6
Kentucky 5 257 512 $5,621 33,080 9
Louisiana 2 85 252 $2,770 14,693 6
Maine 2 92 184 $1,354 11,227 4
Massachusetts 3 199 279 $1,968 18,175 13
Michigan 11 312 520 $4,005 28,002 15
Minnesota 4 199 441 $6,365 24,970 30
Mississippi 1 46 92 $315 5,708 1
Missouri 5 300 285 $2,473 16,956 3
Montana 1 6 12 $478 658 0
Nebraska 3 163 298 $2,951 18,375 3
Nevada 3 157 283 $1,908 21,201 4
New Jersey 4 167 224 $476 12,314 1
New Mexico 2 129 378 $2,425 21,885 5
New York 5 190 368 $3,590 25,560 5
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 14 25 $39 1,538 0
North Carolina 17 668 1,258 $327,447 65,957 106
Nova Scotia 1 97 289 $1,753 23,201 4
Ohio 7 397 707 $3,517 41,925 9
Oklahoma 8 356 557 $2,494 34,259 7
Ontario 1 206 612 $2,596 40,517 8
Oregon 1 85 168 $496 11,710 5
Pennsylvania 8 467 914 $11,048 60,682 19
Quebec 1 84 249 $5,245 16,399 6
South Carolina 3 155 283 $176 16,516 4
South Dakota 3 92 185 $251 3,106 10
Tennessee 5 383 576 $6,701 33,013 25
Texas 19 816 1,278 $10,997 76,762 31
Utah 1 65 193 $2,811 13,023 5
Vermont 1 8 3 $0 0 0
Virginia 5 239 450 $932 27,216 10
Washington 4 227 477 $2,423 24,583 4
West Virginia 1 34 39 $0 0 0
Wisconsin 5 224 423 $4,133 29,740 7
Wyoming 1 23 46 $261 2,848 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 130 259 $1,209 18,323 1
Austria 1 38 74 $0 4,704 1
Belgium 1 36 71 $0 4,493 2
Canada 6 430 1,231 $10,064 85,050 19
Colombia 1 31 61 $0 3,756 0
Croatia 1 41 82 $0 5,352 1
Czech Republic 3 147 334 $0 22,804 3
Denmark 2 111 198 $721 11,357 1
Estonia 3 242 320 $0 16,461 4
Finland 11 510 846 $865 55,674 20
France 1 12 24 $0 1,523 1
Germany 4 169 375 $0 19,803 9
Japan 2 85 354 $560 18,332 29
Lithuania 1 78 155 $0 10,894 0
Mexico 1 36 99 $0 6,296 0
Netherlands 1 27 54 $0 3,467 0
New Zealand 2 137 341 $711 22,098 3
Norway 2 135 335 $5,152 22,975 3
Poland 1 53 157 $0 11,206 0
South Korea 1 40 79 $1,054 5,058 1
Sweden 6 305 357 $4,878 20,411 3
Switzerland 1 72 213 $1,443 14,353 9
United Kingdom 3 58 114 $36 7,178 1
United States 215 10,503 18,654 $462,369 1,081,321 535