StatMando Monday

From Monday 2017-05-22 to Sunday 2017-05-28, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2017-05-22
(click to change weeks)
(5,339 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:53 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 64 1,184 3,065 $70,523 176,133 946
FPO 27 109 324 $8,788 22,090 836
MA1 58 964 2,323 $0 141,561 914
FA1 29 99 226 $0 16,174 775
MA2 55 1,124 2,603 $0 164,768 881
FA2 26 79 199 $0 15,541 740
MA3 44 635 1,599 $0 107,172 837
FA3 18 39 82 $0 6,714 692

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 169 662 $3,770 38,513 21
Alaska 1 49 98 $695 5,507 1
Arizona 1 56 163 $1,890 10,105 8
California 2 231 587 $6,172 36,457 36
Colorado 2 246 338 $6,759 18,281 19
Connecticut 1 69 138 $529 8,669 4
Florida 2 115 364 $657 24,409 4
Georgia 3 146 299 $1,696 20,413 4
Illinois 2 208 412 $6,671 30,672 16
Indiana 2 86 170 $3,150 10,521 5
Iowa 1 113 447 $0 27,139 3
Kentucky 1 68 133 $0 8,125 2
Massachusetts 2 76 152 $372 9,397 1
Michigan 5 353 833 $4,793 55,326 25
Minnesota 1 75 150 $1,595 10,887 8
Mississippi 2 92 225 $10,585 13,476 30
Missouri 1 31 31 $451 2,379 1
New Jersey 1 47 94 $480 5,969 1
New York 2 169 476 $3,846 30,068 12
North Carolina 4 289 855 $5,108 48,458 39
Ohio 2 155 306 $2,493 17,979 10
Oklahoma 1 139 409 $0 24,111 2
Ontario 1 74 219 $0 14,471 1
Pennsylvania 3 108 192 $653 11,719 5
South Dakota 1 27 103 $390 6,376 3
Tennessee 1 35 70 $385 4,084 0
Texas 5 327 698 $4,966 41,465 18
Utah 2 163 525 $10,098 31,846 27
Virginia 5 251 768 $16,253 44,779 123
Washington 1 109 323 $6,040 20,013 12
Wisconsin 3 186 366 $4,379 28,502 6

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Austria 1 55 195 $0 11,439 3
Canada 1 74 219 $0 14,471 1
Czech Republic 1 63 206 $0 13,085 1
Denmark 1 17 34 $0 1,913 0
Estonia 2 146 281 $0 20,940 0
Finland 6 875 2,146 $11,162 141,529 14
Germany 1 33 99 $0 4,562 6
Japan 1 33 123 $356 6,331 7
Norway 1 89 306 $5,593 17,239 11
Sweden 3 182 364 $1,202 21,878 6
United States 61 4,188 10,387 $104,876 645,645 446