StatMando Monday

From Monday 2022-07-18 to Sunday 2022-07-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2022-07-18
(click to change weeks)
(9,831 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-07-28 00:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 98 1,650 3,910 $107,052 236,176 953
FPO 43 177 483 $26,757 34,593 853
MP40 55 399 863 $10,284 55,226 924
MP50 32 176 416 $2,670 27,951 910
FP40 6 14 31 $180 2,453 810
FP50 1 1 1 $27 89 790
MP55 2 7 7 $253 543 894
MP60 15 49 113 $623 8,038 883
FP60 1 1 2 $0 167 786
MP65 2 3 5 $30 310 879
MP70 2 4 8 $0 514 839
MA1 112 1,483 3,091 $0 183,471 919
FA1 41 105 248 $0 18,143 800
MA2 112 2,026 4,095 $0 255,906 882
FA2 49 140 292 $0 21,947 760
MA3 109 1,793 3,386 $0 218,746 847
FA3 47 110 182 $0 13,661 699

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 123 242 $240 13,797 0
Alaska 1 69 263 $2,825 15,788 15
Alberta 1 35 104 $100 6,155 0
Arizona 1 136 266 $0 17,327 1
Arkansas 2 164 291 $2,232 17,260 7
British Columbia 1 40 79 $0 4,696 1
California 4 441 1,122 $2,359 78,937 44
Colorado 3 209 406 $0 25,468 15
Florida 3 123 127 $236 6,295 2
Georgia 4 218 370 $293 22,034 7
Idaho 2 93 184 $0 11,840 2
Illinois 1 173 511 $0 25,650 126
Indiana 4 132 197 $55 12,715 3
Iowa 4 344 598 $2,928 36,196 17
Kansas 1 340 1,003 $0 62,612 2
Kentucky 6 395 532 $451 37,769 5
Louisiana 1 43 81 $220 4,758 1
Maine 2 114 131 $690 8,628 1
Maryland 2 96 292 $0 14,918 8
Massachusetts 1 113 333 $3,377 20,062 14
Michigan 9 510 906 $569 54,933 5
Minnesota 1 349 863 $0 51,970 35
Mississippi 1 83 163 $765 9,784 2
Missouri 4 221 420 $1,103 26,058 5
Montana 2 66 130 $725 7,664 2
Nebraska 1 66 130 $959 7,846 0
New York 2 97 300 $250 18,851 37
North Carolina 8 537 1,149 $2,143 68,921 17
North Dakota 1 29 58 $595 3,990 0
Ohio 5 412 907 $1,943 60,947 68
Oklahoma 2 76 126 $1,337 7,870 5
Ontario 2 267 666 $26 45,081 17
Oregon 3 193 384 $1,395 25,665 8
Pennsylvania 2 50 88 $45 5,625 2
Saskatchewan 1 57 114 $0 7,034 1
South Carolina 1 86 172 $0 9,035 4
South Dakota 1 65 130 $805 7,657 0
Tennessee 1 85 83 $0 4,754 3
Texas 15 814 1,170 $3,037 73,674 19
Utah 1 36 72 $0 4,350 1
Virginia 2 146 285 $160 20,351 16
Washington 4 303 643 $2,700 42,118 13
Wisconsin 4 420 798 $5,008 49,250 15
Wyoming 1 27 54 $765 3,491 0

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Canada 5 399 963 $126 62,966 19
China 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Croatia 1 46 154 $0 9,429 0
Czech Republic 1 25 50 $0 2,762 0
Denmark 1 89 175 $647 11,575 3
Estonia 3 134 339 $0 21,594 6
Finland 10 675 1,611 $100,002 111,138 222
Germany 2 68 203 $0 14,885 7
Iceland 2 71 209 $4,388 12,934 0
Japan 1 0 0 $0 0 0
Latvia 1 91 272 $1,490 17,187 3
Netherlands 1 9 9 $0 435 0
Norway 2 178 442 $0 30,928 1
Sweden 9 503 858 $1,013 58,827 5
United Kingdom 2 55 150 $0 9,369 0
United States 115 7,997 15,980 $40,210 996,858 527