StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-03-18 to Sunday 2024-03-24, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-03-18
(click to change weeks)
(10,708 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-03-28 12:15 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 130 1,702 3,217 $70,547 182,082 942
FPO 46 231 655 $91,302 46,494 882
MP40 72 478 846 $21,416 55,473 929
MP50 33 149 293 $8,135 19,752 914
FP40 9 46 140 $17,571 11,497 852
FP50 4 11 37 $5,072 2,568 832
MP55 2 5 10 $218 669 911
FP55 1 9 36 $5,555 2,549 816
MP60 22 69 145 $1,833 9,828 892
FP60 1 6 24 $3,705 1,666 830
MP65 1 3 6 $165 429 896
FP65 1 8 32 $4,945 2,208 834
MP70 5 6 11 $273 774 836
FP70 1 3 12 $1,850 904 611
MA1 134 1,766 3,536 $0 197,876 918
FA1 50 155 394 $0 25,158 823
MA2 126 1,647 3,132 $0 183,739 886
FA2 38 130 330 $0 23,903 766
MA3 131 2,075 3,861 $0 234,463 846
FA3 48 114 252 $0 17,370 702

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 3 183 644 $0 21,186 9
Alberta 1 48 97 $0 5,606 1
Arizona 1 173 338 $11,912 21,779 15
Arkansas 1 78 79 $247 5,518 2
California 5 509 923 $3,596 66,942 21
Colorado 4 416 766 $5,300 47,682 21
Florida 5 418 876 $0 55,966 18
Georgia 4 259 460 $1,953 30,497 5
Illinois 4 269 374 $399 24,344 6
Indiana 5 282 442 $556 27,842 5
Iowa 3 157 305 $2,459 18,481 6
Kansas 5 298 710 $1,690 28,517 9
Kentucky 3 126 342 $126 1,710 3
Louisiana 4 161 325 $780 23,280 6
Manitoba 1 37 74 $458 4,382 3
Maryland 2 64 97 $42 6,611 0
Massachusetts 1 49 136 $1,896 8,353 4
Michigan 5 325 634 $3,950 36,513 20
Minnesota 2 122 214 $365 14,462 8
Mississippi 1 140 280 $3,261 17,984 12
Missouri 6 584 928 $10,414 60,797 33
Nebraska 2 127 255 $240 16,390 1
New Jersey 1 36 36 $141 2,537 0
New Mexico 2 221 394 $1,640 26,311 9
New York 4 364 605 $3,281 29,002 3
North Carolina 8 644 1,571 $8,850 99,330 51
Ohio 2 305 602 $3,944 36,872 10
Oklahoma 4 296 582 $7,741 36,890 22
Oregon 1 61 123 $400 6,709 3
Pennsylvania 4 233 309 $1,088 19,893 8
South Carolina 3 127 259 $386 15,119 0
South Dakota 1 38 78 $384 4,874 2
Tennessee 6 467 789 $5,005 46,531 24
Texas 21 1,199 2,523 $138,090 171,964 58
Utah 6 222 231 $377 14,046 5
Virginia 7 394 740 $2,455 38,487 11
Washington 1 38 77 $190 4,974 2
Wisconsin 2 166 331 $2,850 22,207 8
Wyoming 1 63 64 $571 4,501 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 146 490 $1,123 19,548 4
Belgium 1 27 55 $0 3,910 0
Cambodia 1 16 32 $100 1,640 1
Canada 2 85 171 $458 9,988 4
Croatia 1 39 120 $0 4,951 3
Czech Republic 3 160 471 $0 29,071 7
Denmark 2 133 262 $0 18,517 0
Estonia 1 104 209 $0 14,021 1
Finland 2 135 269 $158 14,822 10
France 3 114 228 $0 16,144 1
Germany 5 177 346 $4,364 32,033 12
Mexico 1 52 154 $640 8,559 1
New Zealand 3 172 653 $591 31,332 9
Norway 2 111 190 $398 13,943 1
Panama 1 14 14 $0 782 0
Sweden 8 352 630 $0 30,943 0
Thailand 1 27 71 $0 3,416 4
Ukraine 1 19 64 $217 4,018 0
United Kingdom 2 104 209 $140 13,136 1
United States 140 9,614 18,442 $226,579 1,115,101 421