StatMando Monday

From Monday 2019-02-11 to Sunday 2019-02-17, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2019-02-11
(click to change weeks)
(2,983 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:59 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 41 603 1,431 $36,630 82,125 950
FPO 16 61 171 $3,961 11,107 860
MP40 26 170 409 $11,401 24,373 940
MP50 13 64 170 $4,277 10,650 922
FP40 1 3 9 $396 703 841
MP55 2 13 37 $1,509 2,496 925
FP55 1 3 9 $396 762 788
MP60 6 16 36 $875 2,249 886
MP65 1 4 12 $528 820 921
MP70 2 5 12 $486 730 831
MA1 34 498 1,098 $0 66,962 925
FA1 15 45 105 $0 7,553 793
MA2 35 560 1,190 $0 73,744 884
FA2 12 32 71 $0 5,061 750
MA3 34 433 941 $0 60,380 841
FA3 10 19 38 $0 3,244 653

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 81 162 $285 8,869 1
California 4 399 1,047 $23,245 66,851 98
Florida 2 360 834 $3,597 47,984 14
Georgia 2 125 245 $1,800 16,116 12
Indiana 1 78 156 $270 8,736 1
Kentucky 1 70 138 $280 8,071 3
Louisiana 2 148 294 $1,620 19,466 4
Michigan 1 30 58 $354 3,556 0
Missouri 1 88 173 $1,970 9,944 5
Nevada 1 33 33 $321 2,550 0
New Mexico 1 92 270 $4,665 21,647 21
North Carolina 4 252 490 $2,346 30,903 17
Oklahoma 1 52 103 $75 5,693 8
Pennsylvania 1 45 45 $0 5,118 0
South Carolina 1 198 587 $5,035 35,951 33
Tennessee 1 66 131 $916 7,134 5
Texas 7 529 1,170 $10,388 74,539 61
Virginia 2 65 129 $520 7,422 1
Washington 1 75 150 $1,078 9,692 9
Wisconsin 1 43 85 $335 4,853 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 24 45 $0 4,664 0
Croatia 1 24 46 $0 2,081 2
Denmark 1 63 124 $427 7,347 3
France 2 61 153 $155 9,915 0
Japan 1 27 119 $450 6,160 7
Netherlands 1 27 50 $0 2,786 0
Norway 1 37 72 $0 3,977 1
Thailand 2 44 90 $1,480 5,613 5
United Kingdom 1 25 75 $0 3,378 0
United States 36 2,829 6,300 $59,100 395,095 298