StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-04-16 to Sunday 2018-04-22, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-04-16
(click to change weeks)
(6,137 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:56 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 67 1,144 2,742 $71,152 165,015 947
FPO 35 129 332 $8,382 23,034 847
MP40 38 305 743 $16,296 47,230 920
MP50 26 126 331 $5,805 21,563 901
FP40 5 9 23 $821 1,634 814
FP50 3 3 6 $160 444 774
MP55 1 1 1 $12 57 875
MP60 6 29 83 $1,401 5,862 879
FP60 1 1 2 $45 128 828
FP65 1 1 2 $45 147 725
MA1 67 1,104 2,577 $0 156,157 921
FA1 31 92 201 $0 14,386 806
MA2 57 1,221 2,870 $0 176,905 886
FA2 32 110 235 $0 17,704 760
MA3 56 1,069 2,545 $0 160,715 848
FA3 23 79 204 $0 15,054 702

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 43 86 $575 5,483 2
Arizona 1 69 201 $1,180 12,682 8
Arkansas 1 52 104 $1,835 6,088 9
British Columbia 2 66 130 $456 7,841 6
California 5 365 863 $13,706 52,925 57
Colorado 2 106 207 $3,327 14,262 9
Connecticut 2 121 239 $1,639 14,643 2
Delaware 2 163 322 $3,940 19,111 16
Florida 1 79 311 $0 16,538 0
Georgia 2 144 363 $2,020 23,937 9
Idaho 1 20 39 $0 2,295 0
Illinois 2 380 1,023 $13,523 72,844 57
Iowa 2 43 76 $116 6,040 0
Kansas 3 396 392 $904 26,935 11
Kentucky 2 832 3,089 $510 177,458 32
Maryland 1 60 60 $0 5,120 0
Michigan 4 248 494 $5,225 29,517 24
Minnesota 2 167 330 $1,839 18,972 14
Missouri 2 131 259 $2,117 15,898 8
Montana 1 70 140 $2,280 8,635 9
Nebraska 1 114 227 $2,619 18,512 3
Nevada 1 88 176 $1,865 10,513 6
New Mexico 1 47 184 $0 10,326 2
North Carolina 3 175 638 $7,810 38,487 49
Ontario 1 39 39 $156 2,325 1
Oregon 2 90 180 $2,530 11,048 19
Pennsylvania 1 22 44 $410 2,465 3
South Carolina 1 57 110 $200 6,214 1
Texas 8 562 1,224 $7,433 78,639 15
Utah 1 40 78 $0 4,304 0
Virginia 4 229 451 $4,141 28,954 18
Washington 1 99 191 $2,632 18,896 6
West Virginia 1 54 106 $390 6,083 2
Wisconsin 2 145 289 $1,836 18,352 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 66 136 $91 7,384 1
Austria 1 31 124 $0 6,599 0
Canada 3 105 169 $612 10,166 7
Czech Republic 1 69 207 $0 13,661 2
Denmark 1 29 56 $0 3,446 0
Estonia 2 129 255 $0 17,158 0
Finland 4 391 1,005 $13,549 64,598 60
Germany 1 59 233 $0 15,707 3
Iceland 1 12 23 $0 1,674 2
Japan 1 34 96 $747 6,791 0
Norway 2 83 164 $1,076 10,405 2
Sweden 4 186 349 $1,032 20,955 6
Thailand 1 17 33 $0 2,076 0
United Kingdom 1 42 81 $42 5,456 1
United States 66 5,346 12,763 $87,170 798,246 397