StatMando Monday

From Monday 2023-11-27 to Sunday 2023-12-03, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2023-11-27
(click to change weeks)
(6,346 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2023-12-10 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 108 945 1,626 $40,804 84,533 941
FPO 32 85 181 $7,167 11,650 841
MP40 51 297 567 $15,404 29,903 923
MP50 25 85 168 $5,779 9,338 913
FP40 1 1 2 $33 127 857
FP50 2 3 4 $79 248 866
MP60 14 31 58 $2,000 3,456 890
MP70 2 2 3 $93 200 813
MA1 109 977 1,587 $0 83,544 913
FA1 48 104 158 $0 9,836 787
MA2 97 970 1,547 $0 81,042 886
FA2 33 75 124 $0 8,323 768
MA3 109 1,355 2,212 $0 124,558 852
FA3 30 70 112 $0 7,940 706

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 198 332 $831 10,129 4
Arizona 3 153 153 $1,038 9,057 1
Arkansas 4 104 181 $645 10,107 1
British Columbia 1 130 249 $601 16,874 8
California 4 217 290 $872 6,894 14
Colorado 1 55 55 $78 3,181 0
Florida 9 812 1,523 $21,380 88,657 65
Georgia 3 160 384 $2,070 24,166 13
Illinois 3 128 202 $420 12,022 1
Indiana 5 136 182 $361 13,916 3
Kansas 4 121 160 $476 9,598 2
Kentucky 3 163 271 $741 16,708 2
Louisiana 2 62 124 $794 7,480 0
Maryland 2 150 300 $2,617 18,174 2
Massachusetts 1 23 23 $0 1,757 0
Michigan 2 62 92 $120 2,884 0
Minnesota 1 86 86 $263 4,849 0
Mississippi 2 100 183 $690 10,652 4
Missouri 4 228 236 $765 10,375 4
Nebraska 1 41 41 $175 2,205 0
Nevada 1 50 129 $0 0 0
New Jersey 1 49 97 $200 6,260 0
North Carolina 15 691 921 $10,660 48,951 45
Ohio 2 75 80 $752 5,365 2
Oklahoma 2 119 204 $2,340 11,465 12
Ontario 1 60 60 $0 4,463 0
Oregon 6 293 497 $1,890 29,868 18
Pennsylvania 1 60 118 $168 7,422 1
South Carolina 3 178 469 $1,838 27,955 8
Tennessee 6 340 641 $2,837 38,089 14
Texas 13 532 953 $9,791 59,619 27
Virginia 5 192 264 $635 15,927 1
Washington 3 159 154 $24 1,339 2
Wisconsin 1 49 98 $624 5,387 4

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 94 163 $187 10,377 1
Canada 2 190 309 $601 21,337 8
China 1 47 149 $3,391 10,110 1
Croatia 1 45 129 $0 8,002 0
Denmark 1 81 157 $746 9,429 2
Finland 1 72 143 $0 7,594 2
France 3 81 160 $0 11,029 1
Netherlands 1 36 72 $0 4,946 1
New Zealand 2 113 269 $268 14,207 0
Norway 1 29 28 $0 0 0
Philippines 1 39 38 $0 2,735 0
Spain 1 20 60 $71 3,155 2
Sweden 2 99 95 $0 6,929 0
Thailand 1 29 86 $0 4,827 2
United States 117 5,786 9,443 $66,095 520,458 250