StatMando Monday

From Monday 2018-03-19 to Sunday 2018-03-25, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2018-03-19
(click to change weeks)
(3,710 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 12:56 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 37 643 1,586 $42,537 92,778 952
FPO 18 87 231 $6,538 15,794 867
MP40 24 224 557 $14,320 33,791 935
MP50 13 88 216 $6,039 13,745 920
MP55 3 13 39 $1,255 2,490 925
FP55 1 1 3 $105 222 785
MP60 6 20 52 $1,376 3,443 899
MP65 1 3 9 $260 658 854
MA1 39 730 1,818 $0 110,636 922
FA1 23 74 163 $0 11,778 804
MA2 35 658 1,533 $0 97,759 886
FA2 8 34 91 $0 6,756 761
MA3 31 529 1,229 $0 81,063 844
FA3 10 22 44 $0 3,426 690

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 1 35 70 $0 3,813 1
British Columbia 1 75 99 $846 7,437 2
California 3 369 1,025 $12,483 61,761 63
Colorado 1 98 196 $0 11,098 4
Florida 1 206 507 $13,966 32,008 57
Georgia 2 125 283 $320 18,274 2
Illinois 1 89 178 $80 11,047 4
Indiana 2 89 168 $858 10,673 4
Kansas 2 193 383 $2,779 26,747 18
Kentucky 2 69 136 $2,409 7,284 2
Michigan 2 146 288 $921 17,088 4
Mississippi 1 43 86 $690 5,123 3
Missouri 2 211 402 $3,032 25,320 15
New York 1 17 34 $90 2,482 0
North Carolina 2 408 1,533 $200 96,589 12
Ohio 3 165 329 $2,886 22,633 13
Oklahoma 1 186 572 $3,880 38,467 16
Oregon 3 207 406 $1,130 26,489 14
Pennsylvania 1 110 219 $125 11,236 3
Tennessee 1 84 166 $445 9,918 3
Texas 3 237 663 $16,388 41,326 89
Utah 1 107 208 $1,696 14,178 3
Virginia 1 70 140 $0 8,981 0
Washington 1 72 144 $1,080 8,298 4
Wisconsin 1 103 203 $1,934 14,085 7

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 1 34 63 $116 4,486 0
Austria 1 66 229 $0 13,197 2
Canada 1 75 99 $846 7,437 2
Czech Republic 1 67 214 $0 13,886 0
France 1 13 25 $0 1,445 1
Japan 1 27 81 $506 5,891 4
United Kingdom 1 35 69 $0 4,074 1
United States 41 3,556 8,572 $71,087 538,587 349