StatMando Monday

From Monday 2021-11-29 to Sunday 2021-12-05, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2021-11-29
(click to change weeks)
(4,070 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2022-04-17 13:14 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 51 640 1,373 $45,196 77,307 957
FPO 22 62 153 $6,155 9,714 868
MP40 24 196 434 $17,567 25,100 939
MP50 15 103 253 $10,205 14,925 924
FP40 1 2 4 $180 259 875
MP55 2 10 23 $965 1,261 902
MP60 4 17 41 $2,240 2,550 895
FP60 1 4 8 $365 586 793
MP70 1 1 2 $90 118 931
MA1 52 564 1,095 $0 64,606 918
FA1 22 70 136 $0 9,022 798
MA2 49 675 1,290 $0 76,532 885
FA2 16 41 84 $0 5,948 720
MA3 48 812 1,418 $0 87,488 846
FA3 22 63 108 $0 8,067 701

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 2 178 348 $1,612 21,118 10
Arizona 1 270 804 $15,170 47,114 53
California 2 133 265 $6,059 16,137 12
Colorado 1 71 71 $18 3,712 0
Delaware 2 139 276 $3,376 19,670 10
Florida 4 452 1,079 $14,040 62,162 64
Georgia 2 167 431 $3,364 25,120 12
Illinois 1 148 148 $0 8,738 3
Indiana 1 40 79 $198 5,644 0
Kansas 1 71 139 $576 8,245 3
Kentucky 1 41 82 $0 4,815 0
Louisiana 1 6 12 $200 630 0
Maryland 2 143 283 $4,448 18,542 7
Michigan 1 46 92 $203 5,520 0
Mississippi 1 67 134 $635 8,047 8
Nebraska 1 33 33 $101 1,890 0
New Mexico 1 77 152 $2,771 8,966 2
New York 1 43 85 $104 5,812 0
North Carolina 6 518 846 $11,688 50,838 43
Ohio 1 78 78 $426 4,533 1
Oklahoma 1 87 174 $1,775 10,288 10
Oregon 2 133 225 $960 14,547 7
Pennsylvania 1 24 24 $101 1,774 0
South Carolina 2 83 164 $558 9,270 2
Tennessee 2 151 300 $705 16,864 4
Texas 11 516 923 $10,255 58,541 38
Virginia 3 134 268 $802 16,112 1
Wisconsin 2 123 245 $1,709 15,315 5

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Australia 2 79 206 $202 13,832 6
Croatia 1 29 83 $0 5,152 1
Denmark 1 95 92 $493 5,553 1
Japan 1 20 83 $333 4,259 10
Sweden 1 27 54 $81 3,470 0
United Kingdom 1 34 68 $0 3,102 0
United States 57 3,972 7,760 $81,854 469,964 295