StatMando Monday

From Monday 2024-07-01 to Sunday 2024-07-07, here's what went down in PDGA tournaments worldwide. You can also see the historical list here.
Showing Week of 2024-07-01
(click to change weeks)
(13,008 unique)
1000-Rated Rds
(Note: StatMando is not able to track all tournaments. Some events may not have complete data until the TD turns in the final event report. Updates are run periodically from Sunday night through midweek. Last update: 2024-07-14 23:45 CT)

By Division

Division Events Players Rounds Cash Throws AverageRoundRating
MPO 185 2,537 6,110 $161,897 270,297 942
FPO 76 296 793 $49,678 45,020 871
MP40 103 673 1,532 $31,872 77,372 918
MP50 54 238 526 $11,990 31,695 903
FP40 16 31 76 $1,405 4,911 839
FP50 6 10 27 $137 2,062 800
MP55 4 4 5 $40 321 920
FP55 1 1 2 $0 165 827
MP60 20 52 103 $1,688 6,489 878
FP60 2 3 7 $290 412 864
MP65 2 4 6 $87 481 900
FP65 1 1 2 $75 135 801
MP70 1 1 2 $90 183 845
MA1 182 2,095 4,655 $0 198,778 902
FA1 75 213 453 $0 24,720 791
MA2 177 2,056 4,242 $0 202,344 881
FA2 50 122 246 $0 13,991 764
MA3 178 2,515 5,110 $0 242,455 852
FA3 68 152 310 $0 19,303 710

By North American State/Province

State/Province Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Alabama 4 157 288 $416 11,785 8
Alaska 2 91 344 $710 10,726 2
Alberta 3 183 512 $3,141 31,208 13
Arizona 3 108 261 $1,563 8,268 2
Arkansas 1 28 29 $49 1,589 1
British Columbia 1 72 224 $2,651 13,815 4
California 8 502 1,187 $3,499 33,868 40
Colorado 4 327 502 $1,629 30,558 17
Connecticut 1 88 262 $0 15,655 2
Florida 3 286 473 $2,061 29,824 9
Georgia 6 408 674 $2,206 25,712 10
Idaho 2 68 256 $0 0 6
Illinois 6 447 718 $3,512 36,512 4
Indiana 10 451 883 $2,109 49,797 15
Iowa 1 166 491 $107,531 30,601 242
Kansas 4 245 365 $1,469 20,789 8
Kentucky 2 172 275 $1,680 17,912 6
Louisiana 4 188 608 $1,790 18,035 9
Maine 3 200 278 $1,297 15,523 2
Maryland 1 65 131 $838 7,670 4
Massachusetts 3 152 287 $1,560 9,677 1
Michigan 18 885 2,147 $5,886 77,563 37
Minnesota 5 209 294 $1,873 21,719 6
Mississippi 1 48 121 $275 4,446 0
Missouri 4 314 373 $1,588 23,268 9
Montana 1 18 37 $232 2,183 0
Nebraska 1 101 303 $2,483 18,752 7
Nevada 2 61 93 $162 3,669 0
New Hampshire 2 37 38 $0 2,317 0
New Jersey 3 95 432 $0 0 15
New York 2 38 76 $0 4,930 0
Newfoundland and Labrador 2 101 305 $1,416 18,051 0
North Carolina 13 620 1,187 $8,443 67,059 48
North Dakota 1 14 68 $0 0 0
Nova Scotia 1 34 104 $0 5,699 0
Ohio 5 345 638 $1,851 41,857 4
Oklahoma 4 95 153 $342 6,606 0
Ontario 3 303 547 $2,348 35,572 7
Oregon 5 103 206 $0 12,454 20
Pennsylvania 7 295 674 $6,620 37,391 16
Prince Edward Island 1 20 112 $0 0 0
Rhode Island 2 164 281 $4,095 17,363 9
Saskatchewan 2 44 121 $0 4,116 0
South Carolina 5 174 215 $15 11,686 2
Tennessee 6 219 223 $880 14,771 7
Texas 17 914 1,526 $14,606 61,036 32
Utah 1 158 473 $8,937 28,924 12
Vermont 2 170 457 $919 10,114 12
Virginia 5 201 492 $3,907 31,561 15
Washington 4 211 455 $1,594 27,026 6
Wisconsin 2 294 663 $4,090 40,605 21
Wyoming 2 33 60 $0 3,718 1

By Country

Country Events Players Rounds Cash Throws 1000 Rated Rounds
Aland Islands 1 16 48 $0 3,276 0
Australia 1 142 424 $1,534 27,344 12
Canada 16 811 2,063 $14,056 117,200 28
Colombia 1 17 51 $0 2,948 0
Croatia 1 42 145 $0 8,030 0
Czech Republic 3 171 439 $1,747 27,854 18
Denmark 2 160 556 $0 0 2
Estonia 2 249 867 $13,330 59,300 64
Finland 12 622 1,401 $19,754 82,914 181
Germany 2 70 213 $0 13,701 5
Iceland 1 41 42 $0 2,613 0
Latvia 2 134 315 $0 10,222 0
Lithuania 2 55 164 $0 0 0
Netherlands 1 64 124 $0 7,723 0
New Zealand 1 59 180 $262 11,598 0
Norway 5 516 961 $4,378 65,111 6
Philippines 1 23 39 $0 2,511 0
Poland 1 170 505 $0 37,496 1
Spain 1 62 187 $0 11,540 4
Sweden 15 862 1,723 $206 61,668 14
Switzerland 1 41 124 $0 5,298 4
United Kingdom 1 70 211 $1,265 13,192 5
United States 188 9,965 19,997 $202,717 945,519 667